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I doubt it. You'd have to at least be a naturalised Japanese probably, and I don't think there's much chance that someone who wasn't born here would get to join the blue-polyester brigade. I was think about the same thing this week and found it hard to imagine even ethnic Koreans or ethnically mixed Japanese being cops.

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Hmmm... I'd like to know where we could actually find that one out Davo. My hunch is that there probably ARE ethnic Koreans in the police force here... I have nothing to base that opinion on though confused.gif

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One who does not have "Japan Nationality" can not apply to the test for Japan goverment police officer.


※ 次のいずれかに該当する人は、受験できません( 505;用試験申込書裏面に記載してあります。)

○ 日本の国籍を有しない人

○ 地方公務員法第16条に規定する欠格条項に該当 2377;る人

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There could be "half's" that decided to take the J nationality option in the J force.


In Australia I guess you would also have to have an OZ passport then where you came from wouldn't really matter. Probably the same anywhere in the world.

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