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Has anyone noticed the tranformation of the bloke Ojima (Kojima) from Huser, who testified in the Diet yesterday. (Regarding the shoddy condos)


First time he was summoned (unsworn)he looked like a cocksure yaki.

Someone has been to work on him and he now looks like someone's disntinguished grandfather.


Seem's like he's mastered the Japanese version of "taking the 5th"

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"Excuse me Mr Chairman, let me just consult with my lawyer before I bark, "Kora! Nani ittttendayo?!""


Yes, he has changed a bit.


(How will Horiemon change I wonder. Lose a bit of weight perhaps?)

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Frankly I was a bit surprised by the raid on the Hills. I thought he should have some protection from his new political friend now but apparently not.


This time I hope he prevails not because I don't think he is an 'artist' but it takes someone like him to deal with the old crooks and that perception carries the market.

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When all these people testify to the Diet, do the police gather in a room and start writing Acts of Parliament? It's not the legislature's job to be Columbo. If that's what they want, maybe they could ask questions relating to how cowboy builders feel about the law instead of Kojak from Aomori giving it "was it you?", "was it him?" "was is them?" ad tedium.

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Mr W:

You know what a lot of blowhards these politicans are.

Whole thing seemed like pointless exercise to me. Can't lie, but don't have to answer the questions. After an hour of "I can't answer that" I gave up and went and did some work.


These guys should all wind up in court one day, and we may get to the bottom of it.


(Horiemon has been stacking on the beef a bit, not that I can talk)

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