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morning sing song 6 exercise

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Do you complain about it? I bet you don't...


There used to be regular aerial bombardment of commercial messages by small planes flying from Matsumoto airport. By complaining to the advertisers, the city hall, the governor etc., this weekly stupid harrassment has now become just a very infrequent and mild annoyance.


Remember, these people are morons who also happen to be immersed in a 'context based culture'. Unless you tell them they're being berks, how else are they to know?

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faithless, how do you know that until you've tried it? I find that complaining often brings changes, often surprisingly quickly. These people are genuinely surprised to learn that not everybody gets up at the same time, and that there are less irritating ways of achieving the same ends.


I'll bet if your girlfriend is Japanese, she'll urge you not to complain, but ignore her, she's just being stupid.

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There's ways of doing it.


And what you perhaps forget is that the silent (sheeplike) majority may not like the offensive behaviour much themselves, and are only too glad that someone has put a stop to it.


And who cares? I'd rather be a gaijin than a naijin.

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