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About lumiukko

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  1. cool people do not tattoo their head and face.........only stupid and very messed up peeps would do that for kicks in this day and age, fair enough if its part of their culture like the maoris but skull tattoo??? I just don't get it!! I don't have anything against tattoos as I have two myself but no where near my face or visible to others and in my opinion its art and reflects who I am now, which is why I don't get the skull tattoo or abusive lingo tat-what are they trying to say?!
  2. are the Tokyo dealers not stocking the bikini clad board designs?
  3. Omedetou!! A really big congrats to you guys!! What an inspiration! I just wish I had done it too..........the ski back down must have been immense! I remember climbing fuji in the summer and thought what a bitch to get back down, if only there was snow to snowboard down........next time I must try it in the winter!! How long was the climb up and did you start from the base or 5th station?
  4. Thank you so much for the information!! Loving it big time!! The season has just ended here in Scotland but am already planning for next winter!! Fingers crossed that I get back to Japan!!
  5. Hey........this is my first post, kinda new to this site, wish I found it when I lived in Japan!! (^o^) Anyhow, am planning on coming back out to japan for winter 08/09 and am considering doing a winter season or either a couple months on one of the resorts, has anyone got any experience in this area!! My level of japanese was proficient 3 and had lived out here for almost three years before. How and where would find out about winter jobs on resorts etc and what kinda visa would I need to apply for? Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!! Christine (^o^)
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