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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Emily

  1. Saitama! Not too far away from the mountains and the city.
  2. I enjoy both. Used to ski when I was younger and still can but the last few years have been boarding more. Can't wait for my first Japan full season.
  3. I will be entertaining some clients next January in Tokyo and am hoping to organise a luxury weekend out skiing with them. Anyone point me in the direction of resorts that fit in the "luxury" category - resort/hotel. Do they exist? Kinda wierd question, but thanks anyway. Emily.
  4. Hey its me again, just wanted to thank you peaker for all the information. I went to that e-mail address you gave me. I sent a e-mail to someone...who I sent it to is another question. I'm not what you would call "computer liturte"(can't even spell the word!!!). It would be awsome is you could put a notice up for us. There are only three of us going now. My e-mail addresss is bramfitt.associates@xtra.co.nz
  5. sorry i havn't been back in touch. Thanks to everyone that has respounded. all this info helps so much. Ben where in NZ are you From? Goog luck on finding a job on the moutains, I hope you are able to teach!! That would be primo! Have you saughted out all your accomadation? When are you planning to go?
  6. Thanks guys for all your imput! I've just recieved my monthly New Zealand snowboarding mag and there was an article on Japan. We realise that iots really expencive and so we are looking for the cheapest avenues. In the Mag it said NOT to follow the crowds...Hokkaido, this way you will save money. Is this true? Niseko was talked about alot. It didn't say how expensive it was there. What is the accommendation like in Sapporo? Peaker because you live in Sapporo could you do any asking around for us, for example Jobs,accomendation Etc? Macca you say that you taught English? I myself am
  7. Dear Don Where were those 2 places and what type of accomodation were they. What type should we pursue as people who are looking to stay and work for 2.5 months
  8. hey kiwi girls back again, yeah! someones listening! What is the acccomodation like? Are there any jobs? Could we get work on the resorts and have accomodation with this?
  9. We are a group of four kiwi girl's who are keen snowboarders. We want to work and snowboard from November to Feb 2001-2002. Where should we go??????? Please help us!!! We are sooooooo overwhelmed by the amount of resorts/fields, we have no idea where to start! Please write back soon with names o places you woulkd recommend. We are all at intermediate stage of snowboarding.
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