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Everything posted by Mantas

  1. Local right on a good day last month. Surfed this solo but for a few dolphins. Local left on a good day. Surfed this with only big bro and 1 mate.
  2. So I've outed you as a 'surfer' with my interogation ay?
  3. I'd like to know how many surfer are here? Where do you surf? What's it like (particularly those who live in Japan)? Do you snowboard or ski? If you were given a perfect powder day on an untracked mountain or a empty line up at one of the worlds best breaks. What would you choose?
  4. Keep this thread going! Here's a couple of a tour i did out of Whistler. The lunatic leaping off the cliff isn't me, he did this all day. A worthy photo just the same.
  5. Quote: Originally posted by Mantas: He now has a perminent neck problem caused by the forces during ejection. Rad hey? I think he was lucky alll up. He also old me his neck hurts when doing combat training, the helment is heavy and they pull multiple 'G's while swinging his head around looking for the enemy.
  6. He said one of the''nozzles' failed and the thing went nuts, totally out of control. When he ejected he was not far off the water. His chute just opened and did one swing before he hit the water. He now has a perminent neck problem caused by the forces during ejection. Rad hey?
  7. I know a guy who ejected from a Harrier jet in the middle of the Indian ocean. The plane started going nuts shortly after he took off (vertically) He ejected while the plane was at 90 deg. If it was rolling the other way it would of spat him straight into the control tower of the ship! The Navy salvaged the plane from the bottom of the ocean and did a full autopsy on it. they found the cause of the whole thing was a dodgy split pin!
  8. Couldn't tell you the make or model of mine. All I know is it is much better than the other 2 I had.I Don't go much on brand names. It's warm and comfortable and only cost $50 canadian. Hopefully I wont get to test out it's crash qualities.
  9. What is it with the chickens? A friend of mine was a professional chook catcher for years. Every now and then a shed full of chickens ( your talking thousands ) would get a disease. To sort out these diseased chickens they were all handed a peice of water pipe and told to "practise their golf swing!" One time he was catching turkeys, a much bigger and more aggressive bird, when they ganged up on him. He had to take refuge on top of some fork-lift pallets tell help came !
  10. I once worked on a watermelon farm in NW Australia. We would arrive at 7.00 am and form a human chain between the tractor drop point and the road train. The melons got passed along the chain untill all three trailers were full at around 4.00 pm. The guy who passed the 7lb. watermelons to me was a 18 stone moari. He passed them to me like rugby ball ! I then moved onto a sunflower farm where we walked up and down the rows of sunflowers picking out tthe rougue ones. The rows were 1.2 km long !
  11. I'll change my Avitar for a can of Cricky Lager if someone designs it for me. Because I'm generally crap with computers, otherwise I'd do it myself.
  12. Yes kama is a strange thing, 60 years ago hordes of Japanese were moving south do impose their unwanted culture upon us!
  13. Quote: It took me a while to make them How much spare time have you got? Luved it !! :
  14. You guys are cruel. Do you really think this helps? Awesome pics, how about adding a location to the shots.
  15. Yer CongratulationsTB. Is this the first.? Don't worry about names yet. You've still got 6 months to go. 6 names / day...... 30 days / month..... 6 months...argh You'll think of decide on something.
  16. 'Smash and grab' we call it. ( ceasearean) Yes it's certainly not a bad 'back up plan' these days for when things don't go the we they should. My wife is a fitness freak. After our first baby, the natural way, she did a small triathlon 20 days later, and came second ! With our second child, by ceasearean, she could just manage a walk down the street after 2 weeks. After the excitment of the first birth. The second was a bit of a none event really. Not sure what value my cmments are worth as I'm not a women, and maaaan there's no way I'd wont to be one either....
  17. Spud, Try to focus on the positives mate, and not so much on the Mc Donalds munching masses . Your pissing in the ocean. There's not much you can do about it. Societies have always been facinated with the frivolous. It's nothing new. Goes back 1000s years. There has been a massive inudation of donations to some of the funds I mentioned earlier and I could only guess that the Irwins have sold their stories for big bucks which I'm sure they will put to good use. ( I'm not as cynical as Dr dickhead Jonkel) Ireally believe this. You guys living outside of Australia probably don't hear that mu
  18. Must admit Ocean, the non-drinking bit has me concerned too. Doesn't quite fit does it? Just imagine the commercial success he could've had with CRICKY LAGER ! Spud I'm over this thread too. Nothing more to add.
  19. Dr Charles Jonkel. What a wanker ! An educated man like our Dr, Charles should know better to make statements without doing his research ( if a goon like me can find this on the internet in 15 mins.). To throw Steve Irwin into the same basket as Tim Treadwell is going to give his reputation a caning. mmmm. Lets see. Timbo was an aspiring actor with a drug and alcohol problem as well as being insecure with his sexuality. A loner. Stevo. A non-drinker or smoker, committed family man, donated the vast majority of his wealth to various causes, some of which are listed below;
  20. Yer . I really feel for all those animals "exploited" by Irwin. At the very least they should have offered them some small financial remuneration. Where was there agent? I bet there trailer didn't even have a Jacuzzi and they had to put up with second-rate make up artists. I can't believe so called educated people come out with such dribble. I mean how much of there comment is driven by professional jealousy. Here is a man with minimal intelligence and no academic qualifications hogging their perceived share of the limelight and word wide acclaim. Mate, that must irk them som
  21. Sorry, hijacking the thread again. Funny story When i was in Munich slugging down stiens in 1989. I lost a bet with a kiwi guy i was travelling with. If he couldn't skull a full stien I would do a nudy run around the beer hall. Thought I was safe as houses given he already had about 6 stiens in his gut already. Man. Never under estimate the drinking prowess of a half moari Kiwi ! I got a standing ovation from the crowd so I did a second lap. How Aussie is that ???
  22. Quote: ps - in the extensive drinking areas of the German city that I live in you see loads of cute, fun loving, multilingual, educated and optimistic German girls on the side of the road having a laugh whilst all swigging from 500ml bottles of real pure beer that cost a dollar a pop Sounds like heaven
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