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Everything posted by soubriquet

  1. It's encouraging to see politicians taking a geological perspective of time
  2. Yes. I'm disappointed with the result, but it shows there's still life in cricket.
  3. Sorry Gamera, it was a joke. I was poking fun at a stereotype of arrogant imperialists.
  4. How about the national snowboarding team: "The Black Heads"?
  5. Ah yes. A sticky sweaty size nine shoved into a size seven. Lubrication called for here.
  6. The socks are to keep your feet warm, right? Err, are you wearing the socks on your feet?
  7. When you can see the mountains it means it's going to rain, and when you can't it means it's raining...
  8. Wots rong wiv wimmin dancers, huh? I like watchin there tits bouncing up and down, like a hammock full of melons.
  9. There's an article in today's Australian: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,16257338-38198,00.html "Two and a half years after the Columbia tragedy and 500 million dollars to fix the problem that caused it were not enough to prevent foam from falling off Discovery, which recently returned from space to the relief of many. When Discovery was launched on July 26, its huge external fuel tank shed pieces of insulating foam like the one that ultimately downed the Columbia, killing all seven astronauts aboard. On Wednesday, NASA said that the fuel tank needs to be redesigned
  10. Lets see how scunthorpe works. Then there's shining wit and cunning stunt
  11. If the link doesn't work then look for Yamagata Akakura in the resorts section.
  12. Thats Akakura Onsen in Yamagata pref. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/resortdetail.php?resid=224 It's less than 20km, straight up the valley, through the tunnel and I'm there.
  13. Brett Lee is stepping up to the mark, has caught the spirit. 4/100.
  14. Sorry about that. It's been nice here in Oishida, grey skies with soft cool rain.
  15. Well I for one wasn't aware the scale had changed, but the criticism is valid. The scale is logarithmic, not arithmetic, so a 6.5 magnitude earthquake is seven times more powerful than a 5.8. Just because some people choose to believe in primitive superstitions doesn't make them correct, especially when the astrologic charts have absolutely no relation to the actual positions of the planets.
  16. Right Mr W, the power cuts were due to coal shortages. Industry was forced onto a three day week. IIRC, the power workers and dockers also played a part.
  17. Newman (Pilbara) to Broome is about 650km, call it an easy seven hours. Speed limit is 110, you can run safely at indicated 120, and you won't be stuck behind traffic.
  18. Too close to call. I just hope it doesn't go with the toss.
  19. Yes, I remember. I'd spent all summer working for an industrial removalists, moving all the tools of a heavy manufacturing company from a Dickensian factory into new premises. They'd borrowed heavily to fund the move, completed just as fuel prices went up and their market evaporated. Sad. They don't make cars like they used to, thank god. An 850 Mini, equipped with no more than lights, wipers and a heater, used to give me about 33mpg. Now, my Legacy techno wagon, loaded with gizmology to ensure my comfort and survival (excellent, I approve of that) gives me nearly the same.
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