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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by rynogee

  1. we were thinking about zao as part of the trip, are there m/any other mtns there worth a look? been to hear about what you thought of zao when you get back. we were also thinking about Hachimantai.. edit: just realised you said your going to zao next month, were going end of this month, anyone else been to zao?
  2. well ive been doing plenty of SJ research already, just trying to find some reliable info.. where do yo live.. and ski..?
  3. Hey, is there anyone on the board at the moment who lives up that way and willing to share some info on resorts etc. Thinking of planning a road trip up there this winter and looking for some local info..
  4. i already told you i want any bindings there are there nick...
  5. the jtb site has changed, but not sure that whatever lottery they have is up there yet though
  6. theres no bubble bursting. bank transfer. whatever, whichever, its not an issue. "go and register for the drawing" dizzy i know you can read kanji, so if your not willing to really say what really needs to happen its cool, ill ask someone else.
  7. i dont follow. i registered (incidently it doesnt even send an email to confirm the registration). but after registering, then logging in, the only options i seem to get are to cancel my regitration, or modify the details. does that mean ive registered for the draw, or not? where else can i go to register for the draw? excuse, but im translating all this with google, i cant read kanji at all.
  8. dizzy, i filled in those forms, and it came back with "registered". do you need to do anything more after that? whats the need for a login etc, are you supposed to log in and do something more, or is registration enough?
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