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Oyuki kigan

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Everything posted by Oyuki kigan

  1. It was a very polite, but emphatic 'no'. I wrote them a letter telling why i couldn't deal with that. I'm sure to someone outside the ski industry, i must sound like the biggest crybaby, but after 30 seasons on the snow, and working at a bunch of resorts, it feels SO WRONG. Like pretty much the exact opposite of everything i ever learned and loved about snowboarding has no place here on Japan.
  2. I just applied as a snowboard instructor at one of the premier resorts on Honshu. Had the interview, everything went fine, and the staff seems great. Afterwards, i was talking to one of the head instructors about how daily operations went and found out something that shocked me. No seasons's pass. No pass at all, actually. The pass is built into your instructor's jacket (electronic chip), and you can only ride when you are wearing the (very noticible and somewhat unsavory) uniform. What the hell is this, 1984? I asked why, and they said that basically, if you sho
  3. coldcat, you complain that the scientists supporting global warming are corrupted and doing it for money and whatnot, and accuse us of blindly following what they say. Have a look at the very first name at the top of the list of your so-called scientists bravely challenging the orthodox theories, and tell me Mr Singer is not guilty of the very thing you accuse other scientists of http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=S._Fred_Singer he also contends that second-hand smoke is not dangerous, and is also on the payroll of big tobacco. And like i said before, i don't know
  4. I appreciate you guys putting up with my ridiculousness, i just want to extend the same benefit of the doubt to others. Besides, i'm bored.
  5. Originally Posted By: coldcat I remember reading on the press a few weeks ago something like according to latest studies by scientists at the University of Nevada strectching before excercise is bad for your muscle. What??!!! They were telling us over and over how important is stretching before starting any activity and now is actually bad? its obviously because the Dean of the U of N is a freemason. Quote: Scientists are always contradicting themselves. Now CO2 is very bad, tomorrow they may tell us it has nothing to do with the heating of the world, and we people are like sheeps wh
  6. they talk about it here, and why the AGW deniers desperately need to make a mountain out of a molehill. www.realclimate.com
  7. Foot pressuring is usually way beyond the abilities of most people who take lessons, the complete beginners. So no, pressuring and 'pedaling' is not taught to beginner-level instructors either. And as for 'proper' foot dynamics, i'm not sure such a beast exists. It varies with terrain, board type, age, and a zillion other things. I instruct as well, but i unfortunately don't know anyone that teaches this either. good luck in your hunt.
  8. Show me more photos. I`m in danger of not feeling sorry for them. Ha!
  9. Oh my, even i am suprised at the amount of info on this unpopular subject. This time the culprits are the raving hippies at TIME magazine http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1839995,00.html and in news related to the health of our planet 1 in 4 mammals are f#cked. http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSTRE4942RX20081006?sp=true
  10. That is a sick article. At first i thought it was by the jibber Jeremy, but it seemed a little too thoughtful for him. the old dude has sick syle, i hope i can ride like that at his age Thanks for that Coldcat, i loved it.
  11. actually, the .6 degree rise is a global average. Temp change is much more drastic at the poles than at the equator, so while people who are in warmer climes and have the buffer of the ocean to keep things somewhat stable (unless you live on a paific atoll that is being swallowed up by the ocean) you won't notice it much. But the Inuit certainly notice the change, as well as the scientists and military that monitor the thickness and size of the arctic ice cap. Its disappearing, and may only be a couple years before it melts away completely in the summer. Which has HUGE implications for
  12. This is the video to go with the TWSB article. http://snowboarding.transworld.net/2008/09/07/noboarding-video/ Watch that and tell me it doesn't look like the funnest thing since nutella and midget wrestling
  13. For the moment yeah, i still ride. I am absolutely in love with snowboarding. But i do have limits on what i am wiling to sacrifice to feed my habit.
  14. Is it possible to be green and ski? Ocean 11 didn't think so, and stopped skiing. I am not sure myself... I think that in some ways, resort riding is a much better alternative to everyone just heading willy-nilly into the mountains, and tromping around like a bunch of elephants, leaving their litter everywhere. At least with resort riding, it can keep the damage localized, and handle a large amount of people reasonable well. It also provided wealthy people with an alternative activity to flying overseas to some sensitive tropical area, or wasting fuel flying. Howeve
  15. Another documentary about fundamentalist Christians that is both engaging and scary as hell is called Jesus Camp. I think a search will turn up a download for it. Don't watch it just before bed! It might give you nightmares!
  16. There was a whole thread about the video a while ago, and there are a few posts in there about why the movie is flawed (especially because one of the main scientists they interviewed is actually supportive of the AGW theory, and was pissed about how he was s misrepresented on the issue). George Monbiot also tears the movie apart, is you feel like searching for the article. And Motherhucker, the beardfarming actually officially begins in November. ã²ã’ã¯å†¬é™å®šä½œå“ã§ã™ã€‚
  17. That pic is dated. I'm on some next-level stuff here but seriously, is that the best you can do? Talk shit about me, a lifeless geek who sits at a desk all day? Or do you actually have an intelligent rebuttal to the meat eating issue?
  18. Oh dear... Now the UN are in on the conspiracy, as reported by The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/sep/07/food.foodanddrink
  19. Originally Posted By: tripitaka Originally Posted By: Oyuki kigan i am gonna get a minivan and make it into a camper! Good work. My buddy has a desel-powered Toyota Delica all kitted out with a sleeper and space for his surfboards. I think it's a good investment but it is nice to hang out indoors in the evening. in japanese, they call that "Echoland". And i wonder if you can get biodeisel conversion kits here... i should seriously look into kitting up a little 4x4 Toyota
  20. I am concerned that peak oil will affect tourism to Japan more adversely than a falling dollar.
  21. Originally Posted By: snowboarding-sally She is without doubt, the VERY BEST person to be the Vice President of the United States of America and one heartbeat from being the most powerful person in the world. As the man said at the end, let's give Jesus thanks. given McCain's age, if he gets into office i'm sure she would only be a few heartbeats away from becoming president. That said, she is also a creationist, so we can put a stop to all that silly talk about monkeys and men in the holy land of America.
  22. Originally Posted By: Ewok 2 i admire oyuki kigan's passion to "make things better". thanks Ewok, i'm blushing. But i don't see it so much as "making things better" as i do "not f*cking with things in the first place".
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