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Siem Reeves

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Siem Reeves

  1. Been skiing at Geto for the last 4 weekends every saturday and sunday. was getting pretty icy the last weekend, but new snow has arrived!!! hopefully it'll be good this weekend too.
  2. interesting comments... well, it seems to me that more often than not, it`s the people who aren`t very good who claim that one is better than the other. anyway, maybe i`ll try boarding one day... but not till i`ve got myself some twins!!!
  3. Jared, really, Himekaiyu??? They don`t even have any snow at the moment . I suppose Geto is worth a mention...
  4. I'm just curious as to how many people out there think boarding is better than skiing or vice versa?? Personally, I think we're all heading down the mountain and having a lot of fun, so does it matter whether your feet are stuck together or not!?!? Who's to say which is more cool...
  5. i'll add my two cents worth even though we are 8 pages into this thread... skier for sure
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