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Everything posted by hughcohen

  1. I've been patiently waiting for someone to post some pics of the pow, well I've had it people!! come on, someone must have some freakin photos!
  2. the Aussie is currently at it's highest level against the yen since 1997, so it's a good time for Aussie skiers
  3. Hmm, thought you might have lived at FT's place last season? guess I got the wrong guy have a good one.
  4. We don't want to have to trust you, we prefer photographic evidence. You need to get a camera, do it, do it, do it..
  5. Will, how's it going matey? I've spent the last week in Byron Bay gorging myself on every type of culinary delicacy, starting to catch up with me now, if I don't start exercising soon I think I'll have a coronary. You back in the Ha ku of ba?
  6. dude, where's the freakin pics! come on!!! aagghhh... Nah, but seriously, someone needs to post a TR
  7. man, finally!! enjoy peoples, I've been spending my days on white sand and swimming in cool blue waters, Byron Bay is pretty nice this time of year. I'd trade it all for a pow day though haahah. looks like the season has finally started, diggidy!
  8. the weather forecasts are starting to improve, lets hope it starts dumping! I just found out my boss' on holidays till 19th Jan, so I can't take leave till he gets back, probably a good thing at this stage. Gives me longer to hit the gym and get ready to burn it up Can I get a....?
  9. well, if it doesn't snow in the next 5 days, FT said he'd sacrifice his spats to Ullr.. Cheers man
  10. Hmmm, I'll agree spring touring is fun, but personally since I need "bang for buck", I'll take blower pow over spring corn any day
  11. Flaseko? I'm assuming that's a combination of flat and niseko? to which I have to respond "no". However I do want to ski pow, that's the whole point.. have to wait and see. Spring touring would be great.
  12. it's not about faith If there's snow I'll head to Hakuba.. if not I'll go somewhere else. I'm sure it will snow, but then that's what I was saying last year. It did snow early last year, so at least the dumps are yet to come for this season, I'm sure it will start puking soon enough.
  13. nice pics by the way.. it's been so long since I skied pow, I can't remember what it's like!
  14. Hey Toque, if it doesn't snow in Hakuba, I might be knocking on your door in about a month
  15. Damn, SAC finally has something worth buying, but it's for US shipment only.. arrggh.!
  16. Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel... don't think. Use your instincts.
  17. Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion -- which I would define as…unconditional love -- is essential to a Jedi's life. So, you might say that we are encouraged to love.
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