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Everything posted by amandanism

  1. Quote: Originally posted by db: Quote: Originally posted by amandanism: ....tells me to go volunteer somewhere interesting (my brother took a trip to bhutan and did volunteering work) Probably a better experience than some crumby office job. However, more self indulgent 'when I was younger' jibber-jabber: I spent 1 year do volunteer work every weekend with the homeless every weekend. I had to stop in the end as it became so depressing. Try not to pick anything to bottomless pit and depressing and if you do, don't expect to feel good as though you made a difference. Others may have
  2. it was quieter over the weekend. no db to keep us entertained. but his adventures ala nearly breaking his neck made a good come back.
  3. Quote: Originally posted by db: Well, you have done the travel a bit, so your choices are a) work, go to London and lose yourself in the club scene, with trips to Ibeza here and there. All the required condiments are stupidly cheap in London (by all accounts - not been myself). You should aim to get wasted at least 5 times a week and sleep the remainder of the time. After a few months of that "it"* should be well out of your system and you wont have to waste 3 years of your life going out every weekend, thus dragging out what you could have done in 6 months of full time partying in the
  4. Quote: Originally posted by db: But you are a girl, so chances are you will start your career after getting your 3 or 9 months work experience and a degree and then get married and throw it all in to supply the raw material for the little puker on a daily basis.... same story, no travel for you, ever again. lets not stereotype shall we. (knows she is fighting a lost cause) ive been very much spoilt on the traveling side of things. ive just turned 17 ive been back packing in vietnam and thailand with 3 close friends, ive been white water rafting and trekking in nepal in the annapurn
  5. Quote: Originally posted by db: first week of feb?! man, don't wait that long. Hey, you are on holidays! go mid week. At this point I cant find the receipt (I can't recall that name of my head). It will no doubt surface when I unpack properly. The name on teh receipt was in Kanji so I won't be able to read it, but it dd have a web address on it. Ther was a nice Japanese girl who could speak english and also a canadian girl. The staff were all very nice and I would go back. To give a guide it was about y8500 [don't say crap again ] for the usual pension deal being bed, dinner,
  6. hmm i see your point db. but heres my situation. Canada is my top choice for university, if i get in i will go there. I graduate from high school in May, start uni in September. So i have a good three months and would like to do something productive during that time. The chance that i get into uni in Canada is pretty slim. Theres only one course I want to do, and thats all im applying for. If I dont get into uni in Canada, im going to wait and apply to Australia, which i will do in december of 2003 (the year i graduate) and start in February of 2004. That leaves approx 9 months of
  7. sounds great. db - may I ask where you stayed? im thinking of going somewhere first week of feb.
  8. this has absolutley nothing to do with skiing/snowboarding..or even snow. im graduating from highschool in May and im thinking of getting a summer job in Canada. So I want ideas about what other people have done etc. thanks in advance.
  9. the only two resorts (bar karuizawa) ive been to in japan have been H47/goryu. when im back up in the area in jan/feb i want to check out nosawa onsen and happo.
  10. you can sit on the window ledge at the boarding school i go to. u use to be able to climb up a ladder to the roof of the boarding house, but i think they caught on after seeing ciggarette butts and cans what was going on up there. so theres now a nice big padlock. i dont think u can get on the roof of my parents house in tokyo. there are no balconies either, which is a bit of a bummer.
  11. ice in singapore is nice...its the closest thing we get to snow. plus its so damn hot.
  12. Quote: Originally posted by db: that other forum I was a regular on was great as it was and still is my only real interest what beer and surfing...
  13. i have a bad knee, so i always get sharp stabbing pains but what gives.
  14. Quote: Originally posted by db: And you thought it was going to be about beer and surfing. too right!
  15. Quote: Originally posted by db: I was active for 4 years on what most would consider a very geeky forum. then it got over run by tossers and I gave it away. and it would be...
  16. besides snowjapan do any of you frequent any other message boards? im getting up to the 2000th post on the ash message board. too much free time? i think so.
  17. Quote: Originally posted by db: Quote: Originally posted by amandanism: euthanism please stop making me visit www.dictionary.com it was actually Euphemism...my bad.
  18. i went there with the family last year. it was very very average. (thats a euphemism)
  19. Quote: Originally posted by db: dont worry echi - be happy that you once again had the opportunity to celebrate the magical virgin conception and birth of Jesus Christ 2003 years ago. That is why you think christmas is so magical don't you? The birth of Christ rather than the presents right? haha
  20. if u want to hit as many places as u can, the major expense is going to be transportation.
  21. Quote: Originally posted by Simon: I have a pair of F60 bindings: they are more than two years old (100+ days of riding), but still in perfect conditions. Very solid. I would recommend them, definitely. The only problem you could have is with the highbacks: they are VERY high and it took me a while to get accustomed to them. yeah, they did seem significantly higher than the average. im thinking of getting the f50. its one of the cheaper, but seems to do the same sort of thing.
  22. i was checking out bindings and my interest was channeled towards drake bindings. ive heard good things thus far, and they look pretty sturdy... has anyone used them?
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