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Everything posted by DumbStick

  1. How much snow you have in garden area now snowdude?
  2. 1 tatami size so bigger than 1m! http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00C6YKUYE/ref=s9_simh_gw_p60_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=AN1VRQENFRJN5&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=0JEZ6HE4CST5D3RB70HJ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=155416469&pf_rd_i=489986 This on the other hand looks pretty good
  3. It could be free for all I care, looks awful!
  4. Just been looking around. As you might expect there's el cheapo which is crap and astroturf-like, but there's a higher end that looks much more realistic and is more expensive. The one I am looking at here is Takasho maker and seems to cost 230,000 yen for 20sqm. Thats catalogue price so no doubt you can get it with a chunk chopped off. I certainly would want the best quality if I did this that's for sure. Interesting.
  5. BM, yes that is actually what we have planne for some part but there's a fair bit of space and I don't want it all like that. I really would like a nice grass bit.
  6. You know what, thinking about it since I posted that, the only minus I can really think of is -- 'would it be naff'? And I suppose I answered that really when I saw it up close at the showroom and was surprised at how good it looked. It might actually be an idea worth at least considering. We'll be having plenty of natural flowers, shrubs and a few trees anyway. Well at least I'll give it a bit of research time!
  7. You know what, at the showroom we went to the other week they actually had an area of artificial grass. And you know what (2), it looked pretty good as well. When I saw it at first I rushed over thinking it was real and even close up it looked good. It would look good and not need the maintenance. The idea of using fake grass though.... hmmm.
  8. Hmmm, yeah I still can't make my mind up about the grass. Problem is, what's the alternative - other than totally tiled/bricked/whatever area.
  9. They are friendly round here though we really hardly see them. Very quiet area. A good thing.
  10. Single thickness is what is on the plan - looks like 65cm tall (7-8 bricks?) with a fence on top. From what I gather they put steel rods through the bricks in places to make it stronger. You reckon single ok for that? The other brickwork is for flower beds, so at most 4 bricks. I'm going to ask for a no hugging no kissing cost!
  11. Thinking of learning myself! Like I said there's a chance I misunderstood. Mitsumori incoming soon. I think he got the message that I wasn't going to be having any of that kind of nonsense though, so it will be interesting to see what he presents to me.
  12. I am getting that impression. I have been researching bricklaying. (Oh the excitement). It seems a good brickie overseas is expected to be able to lay 500 and upwards a day, obviously depending on whether it's just a line of bricks or more complicated work. If there's say about 50 bricks in a sqm, that's 10m a day right? I may have misunderstood - still waiting for official mitsumori - but the guy seemed to be saying that the labour/skill work (ie. aside from materials) for bricklaying was 22,000 yen per sqm. If I'm not mistaken that works out at 220,000 yen for a days work!
  13. Yep costs getting out of control here and some unreasonably 'let's rob him' kind of numbers I feel. As you suggested Mr Wiggles, they seem to be in the business of quoting inflated costs. Looking into using imported bricks and found some interesting alternatives. Any Aussies know of australbricks? Good reputation for quality product?
  14. Seems the lady took care of this, poked her head in and gave the 2000 yen. Got a nice big box of manju in return which probably cost just over 1000 yen. As silly as it seems, I suppose to 'fit in' in the neighbourhood and create a good impression, it's a small price. Oh yeah, and as long as it's her dealing with it not me!!
  15. Yes. It's one of those annoying things that you just don't want to do and will always put off. And then have to rush to get it done.
  16. Seems to be by sqm. I'm having some difficulty seperating cost of bricks/materials from the labour which is kind of annoying me. I had this with the house but I hate it when things are unclear and they are unwilling to shed light on - makes it sound suspicious, even if it may not be. I don't know if it's the norm here but it's actually putting me off the until now faves to do the job which is disappointing.
  17. He actually came round again a few weeks ago. The lady wasn't in again, not seen him since.
  18. When we moved in to our new house, we met with the neighbourhood top dog and he went through some of the rules and 'traditions'. One of the latter was... if someone dies in the village area, everyone is expected to attend the funeral and pay 2000 yen -----> even if you don't know the people, never even heard of them or seen them before you hear they are dead. We've had two already! The guy came round last night with info on the funeral and details of the 'shuttle bus' that is supposed to take us all to the funeral ceremony hall - about 15 minutes drive away. Is this a common nei
  19. Looked like some nice rainfall with the ski jump there on tv just now.
  20. Sorry another question. Anyone ever have any bricklaying done and able to give me an idea of how much it cost to have it done? (What's your price BM? )
  21. Well yeah, I'll do it for free!! Perhaps I misunderstood, but I don't think I did. Anyway, I certainly won't be paying 10000 yen to get a fairly small tree planted that's for sure!
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