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Everything posted by barok

  1. yeah, the impact gloves have built-in, flexible wrist guards. They are great. The one thing is, that you should try them on before you buy them, if you are truly interested. I run a medium glove, normally. But I take an XL in the Red Impact glove. http://www.burton.com/gear/pr_gloves.asp?productID=131 They say men`s, but gloves are gloves, right ?
  2. I much agree Oe, but Some days it`s just too sunny. Alot of goggles these days have detachable lenses, so I gots me a clear lens and a yellow lens for when it is neccessary.
  3. You can usually find great cliffs if you look hard enough. 2 - 10 meters is generally safe. and yeah, it`s alot of fun, probably one of my favorite things to do, but . . . It is murder on your knees - always make sure you land on a decline, or you will feel the crunch. I did more damage to my knees during last season then the rest of my life combined.
  4. I`m aaaigght, 360s, grabs, pipe, big kickers It gets more fun the better you get.
  5. If it is anywhere near Nagano city, I`m going for it, but I doubt it seeing how Hokkaido is always a few weeks ahead. But I`m psyched either way cuz it looks like I`m getting my transfer.
  6. Love the freakin` nighta - that`s allz I used to do in Wisconsin - there is nobody around, and you can often get fresh snow, because If it snows in the daytime, most people just hole up at home. Plus, yeah, it`s colder and so the snow is better, plus you can get drink beers and go riding without the sun beating down on you - drinking and riding during the day gives me a headache.
  7. I use Red (Burton) Impact gloves and they have saved my wrists from a few good knocks. Plus they are easy to move around in and comfortable. 80-90% of snowboarding injuries are from intermediate riders snapping their wrists. Bad news seeing as it is a fairly major surgery - lots of important stuff in yer wrists. Oh yeah, the waterproof protection is pretty good to.
  8. I don`t miss it yet. Been In Nagoya for 6 weeks, and although I`m not too down with this city, I still don`t miss Wisconsin, although I sometimes get nostalgic. I do miss NFL Football though.
  9. Arrrgghhh . . . what a great game, I`m touched and flattered - guys and gals. I`m here in Japan - Nagoya (not impressed), and spending most of my time trying to get applications out to the ESL schools in Nagano, and spending the rest of the time trying to get a transfer. So that leaves me little time to camp out on this board. . . A car doesn`t look too likely. My last resort, if I can`t get a freakin` job will be to build me one of them shanties in the backcountry, grow a beard, and become Japan`s answer to bigfoot. season pass, and some ramen money for christmas &
  10. hell yeah, excited, trying to get to Nagano, though - I`m on a mission.
  11. In Nagoya since Wednesday - Not a mountain in sight - If any of you die-hards can help me out with the advice that I need - namely where to go and what my best bets are for getting there - I will be your biggest fan bar@medicine.wisc.edu
  12. I haven't done one of these in a while, but I figgered I'd get one more good one in before I leave for Japan, next Wednesday. Coco is a good kitty. but Bobo makes more money. [This message has been edited by barok (edited 29 August 2002).]
  13. Yeah, I'll try to make the best of it for a while, but from what I hear, it's not that hard to get to where you want to be - eventually.
  14. next thursday - I'm pretty pissed though, cuz I got assigned to Nagoya, and Naka at that. Urbantastic from what I understand. . . But I'm just going to try like a fool, to make my way Northward ASAP. I think I can do it.
  15. jes blingin with my homies at the west side pad 'nuff ladiez, gold and henny make a muthasucka mad. yeah
  16. yep. memento came out in 2001. it was a great movie, but only had limited distribution. maybe that's why you may not have heard of it.
  17. gawd - being a goal-oriented type a person, the list goes on and on move to nagano go bigger master backside, switch, switch backside 180's and 360's boost the pipe kinked rails and boardslide on rails find some huge cliffs to huck from meet some SJG'ers to go riding with and set up some backcountry barbeques
  18. i broke my nose snowboarding, so from then till forever, it will be a little off kilter. and the cartilage is that much thinner, so if i land on my face on hardpack again, it's plastic surgery time. . . so snowboarding CAN be hazardous to your health. my friend broke her back after she pancaked off a big kicker. but she is recovered now. ironically exercise can do as much to cause new injury as it can to help ease the pain. you just have to find the right balance, and not go too hard. e.g. i lift weights, and like most guys who lift weights, i try to lift as much as i can as ma
  19. mort dude, yer just waaay to extreme. . . I don't even think Japan could handle how totally to-the-hardcore-max extreme you are. go film a mountain dew commercial.
  20. Some other names for mullet: Hockey Hair Bi-Level Neckwarmer Ape Drape Sphinx Lobster Mud Flap Schlong (short on the sides, long in back) S&L crisis SFLB (Short in Front,Long in Back) pronounced Svelbe Tennessee Tophat Kentucky Waterfall Camaro Hair Pushbroom
  21. I saw some mullet pics and references on one of the threads on this board, but thought that this hairstyle really deserves it's own thread. so I think we should have a contest. Whomever can post the funniest picture of a mullet in this thread is the winner. I'll buy the winner a beer. No limit to number of entries . . . Here's my entry
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