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Everything posted by gamera

  1. Thunderpants, you said KEROSINE lamp? The lamps I own have never been used yet so I can pour kerosine though. I thought I need to pour some industrial alcohol there. Does korosine work? Not danger?
  2. Oh, exactly good idea, Where is it available? Damn, when you get older than 40 like me, you can never notice that kind of idea I have some lamps, have to buy some industrial alcohol to make fire, then! Hum.. how can I consume this hundreds of candles which just reached here today, then ?
  3. Quote: Originally posted by tsondaboy: Glad you made it, let’s see if the other old dog can also learn new tricks! Hum... who is that 'the other OLD dog'?
  4. I'm sexy - yes, I think that's correct. Thunderpants - that is more like a lamp?? sunrise - I don't care where the shop locates, but if the candles reach me some months laster, it doesn't work I want to show the illusory contrast ( candles on fire in the snow igloo ) to my guests so I have to say I need them asap. Actually some hundreds candles which would last for 4 hours reached my house today, but preferably need some candles which last longer.
  5. Yeah, they look cute, but anyway they are also wild animals, so if you met them all of sudden, just keep distance from them little by little walking backwards not to give any cautiousness. They have a pair of horns, so they might poke you if they felt anything scary.
  6. If it's my birthday... Hum... don't want to count my age any more
  7. Only 2.5 hours? You talk about limited express Hakutaka, right?
  8. Hum.. kjj, could be a Japanese antherope? (Kamoshika) judging from the size you describe.
  9. Quote: Originally posted by snobee: 70's 80's rock that could be boring as hell, but also muchly enjoyed if your head was spacy enough. Could be memorable for those who were born in 50's 60's
  10. Hum..... smaller than rabbits? Could be squirrels coz I see squirrels visit my house every day so I put some walnuts with shell in the snow sometimes. I always wonder if they dislocate their jaws when they try to take it.
  11. Hehe thanks. I chose the most similer one to me which has the shortest legs lol
  12. Ohhh now I see it either. Maybe my age bothers, far sighted eyes lol.. Calm down hey, someday you will be also an oyaji
  13. Yeah, I know it says 4500 something. Does an avatar have to locate in snowjapan.com server? I don't have a member page snowjapan.com so I just upload a pic for it in my web server and point the URL and saved the upload but nothing pops up for my avatar any age filters??????
  14. Yeah, this Jiji tried the way but it doesn't pop up. I think I didn't adjust the image size. They say it has to be 70 x 70 pixels? Probably mine is bigger than that.
  15. Back from an onsen! Montoya - pm-ed you, just check it Subzero - what an academick description, do you think I can get it???? lol too busy to see my dico (dictionary ! but thanks. Wendy - hehehe, hope not :0 Sakitumi - yeah,I just wondered why some of my customers have sent me letters in red lol.... wondered if I did anything wrong to them Probably they just don't know we say that.
  16. Just got in, but no one around as usual
  17. LOL RMD, Nah fortunately No! Ah, RMD asked in singler.. red 'letter' Are you teasing me to confuse?
  18. Hum..... plural letterS could mean both, but usually it means letters we put in envelops. Singler letter always mean characters like ABCD.. Thanks montoya, I think the only way for me is just to get used to it! Practice practice! Gonna go to an onsen to warm my waists
  19. Quote: Originally posted by montoya: btw we can use the plural for both. eg "what are the letters in this word?" and "where are my letters?" Probably this is what has confused me, so both singler and plural 'letter(s)' could mean both, RIGHT?
  20. Red letter day? I donno, what's that?
  21. I was educated that if I wrote post cards, letters with letter in red, it means something like 'I would like to break off with you'. So I have never written any post cards, letters with a red pen. Probably this is just a Japan domestic manner? Because sometimes I get some post cards, letters with red letter from abroad. And I have been confused if 'letter' is singler, it means characters like ABCDE..... and if 'letter' is used as plural (letterS), it means documents in an envelop... right??? sorry for a silly basic question but have been confused with this problem for more than 30 ye
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