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SnowJapan Admin
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Everything posted by SnowJapan

  1. Still trying to work out how that works! but it seemed to work fine!
  2. Hey that actually worked ---- just "merged" the topics! First time that
  3. Whatever, you will certainly be able to edit captions individually once the photos are online. We're still finalising the work to be done on this point.
  4. Interesting one that, hadn't heard of it (though we'd really like it if people put their snowy pics on SJ)
  5. We want the Shout Box Chat Box to be a fun place where people can chat while they are on the Forums. It is, however, in a very visible position on the Forums - on every page - and everyone who visits these Forums, both members and non-members, can read what is being said in there. For that reason we really do not want the Shout Box to become a place that attracts gutter-level humor, insults, swearing, offensive comments or bad-mouthing other readers (or companies). Here are the main guidelines that we have laid out. - NO PERSONAL INSULTS; - NO SWEARING; - NO OFFENSIVE OR "GUT
  6. Well, the thread started off with 386 page views when we started the new forums a month ago. Why 386? Well that was the number of posts in the thread at that time. As the page view data did not exist in the old forums (or at least in a form that could be displayed), all threads started life on the new forums (25th Apr) with the page view number equal to the number of total posts in the thread on that date. So the extra nearly 3000 pages views for this thread until now have come in the last 4 weeks since then - quite a few from search engines & the Forums search function I would i
  7. Not sure about that me jane, we will have to look into it and see what might be possible. Thanks.
  8. For those of you interested in uploading photos, please take part in the poll in this thread: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/220266#Post220266 Thanks
  9. Apologies for the Forums being offline for most of today (Monday)... we had to do some adjustments to the database and we had to turn the Forums off while the work was done. Anyway, everything is now fine and we should be set up for the next hundred thousand or so posts! Thank you.
  10. We've made a few small adjustments today to the display of the Forums, including making the "quote" boxes larger. Yesterday we also split the Travel forum into two - Japan and Overseas. Not actually part of the forums but relevant if you want to post photos - we have increased the size limit of each photo uploaded to 500KB. Photos can be uploaded from the Photo Gallery section: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/photo_gallery.php Thanks!
  11. Thanks dizzy. Preferences? I really don't know. Another thing that I will bring up when we meet next week to discuss new developments. ( I think we're might have to consider locking this thread before too many new ideas appear!! )
  12. Spoilsport as it may be, we are just not going to discuss the details of the banning of anyone on these forums. It's just not going to happen. So while talking about friends who might be missing or not posting much of late is of course fine, please can we refrain from any mud-slinging and/or 'guessing the reasons' discussions on people who you know to be unable to post. Thanks.
  13. Just moving a few things around to see what it looks like. What do you think? Thanks!
  14. Split them up, what do you think? (We can change it back if needed, lets see what the response is, etc!)
  15. Welcome to the new "Overseas Travel" section of the Forums. This section is intended for discussion on travles outside of Japan. If you want to post a trip report from within Japan, please post it here: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/postlist/Board/11/page/1 Rules and Guidelines of the Forums in general apply to this new section. Thank you.
  16. Just for the record, Ocean11 is welcome to post on these forums whenever he wishes to and there has never been a time when he wasn't. You can count the number of members of these forums (ones who have posted more than a few messages) who have been "banned" by us on one hand with digits to spare.
  17. Well, I would say that while we hope that people will use them and they will become a good addition to the forums community, the Travel sections of the Forums are hardly a major part of the site and not the main focus of what we are. We added those forums the other week when we updated the Forums in general because a number of established members in the past requested those new sections to the Forums. The current photo upload facility on our site is closely linked with the galleries and categories that we have and so even if we wanted to, adding "Overseas Travel" would not be a quick t
  18. Yes there is, and people are very welcome to post threads like that. However, having an official photo gallery section on the site including photos of cats wearing silly hats and drunk uncles dancing at the Christmas disco etc on a major section of the main site is not the way to go. Snow Japan is not (and we don't want to be) just a free photo hosting service. Each season as the site gets bigger it gobbles up a huge amount of bandwidth daily and we have to deal with that issue in terms of network and cost. Adding any "upload all you want" section would be of no benefit, rather
  19. The Forums and SJ in general primarily use the Tahoma font.
  20. Yes that's a good point, thursday. We don't want to dilute the effectiveness of what we have, so to speak. I think it would send out a confused message if we allowed photos of absolutely anything to be uploaded to SJ. (One of the things that the powers that be are very keen on is keeping the focus of what this site is, that being one of the strengths of SJ). This last season we started the Japan General and Overseas Snow categories, as we knew that people wanted to upload photos from overseas ski trips and Japan photos.... and they are relevant to the theme of the site. I don'
  21. Yes, thanks. We are definitely going to be looking into this and hopefully it might be possible for us to modify things somehow to allow multiple uploads - we need time though and we'll let you know at a later date. Thanks for the feedback.
  22. All points noted, thanks. Other sites that you upload to for free do not link all the relevant photos with relevant Japanese ski resorts, prefectures, categories & galleries like we do on this site. We think (and general feedback has said) that these features are in general a very useful thing to have and we put a lot of effort into creating it to be as interlinked as possible, hopefully for everyones benefit. Speaking from our point of view, we would much prefer photos to be uploaded to SJ if possible rather than be hosted somewhere else and then linked. More photos on SJ is g
  23. Hi SerreChe. Like I said it would be extremely complex to change things so that the settings for multiple pictures are changed on one form and until now only Fattwins has mentioned this. However since Fattwins did mention it again it is something that we will once more discuss to explore what is involved and if it is realistic for us to make those changes. Personally I think that a form that allows you to upload 5 photos would be way too big and clumsy and even put many people off. If you wanted a form that allowed you to assign exactly the same info to two or more photos out o
  24. Fattwins, that is not something that will be changing for a number of reasons. Each photo uploaded to the site has a lot of information associated with it - prefecture, resort, country, gallery, caption, user defined gallery, etc) and it would be very complex to modify it all so that 5 could be uploaded at the same time... certainly more complex than the final benefits of doing so. It would also make the uploading page very busy and more complex so we are not sure that many people would actually appreciate it. Thanks
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