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SnowJapan Admin
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Everything posted by SnowJapan

  1. Quote: Also when do you think you'll have the improved general info section? That will realistically be in October. Check out the Resorts section (complete with all the Resort Reviews etc) for a good starting point as well as the links at the top of this page. A search on these Forums will also bring up a lot of info to be getting on with. Best of luck.
  2. Welcome dommy4. This doesn't help you right at this moment, but we are going to be improving our General Info section to give much more info to first time visitors.
  3. The Shout Box has now been renamed Chat Box and we have some new guidelines. Please read them here if you intend to use the Chat Box. http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/222937/page/1#Post222937 Thanks!
  4. But isn't that just the kind of thing that stirs things up and makes things worse. We're trying to reduce problems, not increase them. I realise it might be fun for one or two people, but for most I suspect it is not - and it sure isn't for us. No, it will be a communications free banning that takes us 30 seconds. The person banned will know they are banned as there will be a message telling them so. We'll update this thread when the Shout box makes a reappearance. Thanks
  5. Thanks. It's either "on" of "off" everywhere on the forums so doing that option isn't available to us, sunrise. More mods is also not an option either (unless they come from members as volunteers) as we are way too busy already with more useful and productive things. SJ1 has made it quite clear that more resources are not going to be put into just policing that area. The solution will almost definitely be people being careful what they say in there with the prospect of getting a ban if you go against the guidelines. Quite simple and reasonable when you think about it!
  6. Please read this where it is being discussed: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/221030/page/1#Post221030
  7. Perhaps we will rename it from "Shout Box" to "Polite Conversation Area"
  8. The problem is that by "taking action" - even when we are effecticely pushed into it - it creates other issues (you know, like having to ban members who are generally not a problem and have posted 4000 messages on here). But we're just going to have to be REALLY CLEAR that we're serious about our intention to uphold the guidelines. The ideal situation is where people control themselves in there rather than make us have to make decisions we don't want to make.
  9. Yes we know it is fun. But it is also visible and on every page of the forums (as has been said a few times before) - so we have our guidelines for a reason. Some members may not care about the overall image of these forums to newcomers and the general public, but we certainly do. I think the answer is going to be to simply give out instant without-warning short-term bans to anyone going against the guidelines.
  10. No, it is not gone it is turned off. As SJ1 said in a post the other day, if it starting to cause us a lot of trouble then we would rather it be turned off. But we don't want it off and it will be back, but we're going to rethink a few things. We're not going to let just a few people spoil it for everyone. We're just going to have to deal with situations so that they don't affect everyone, but just the people causing the fuss (whether they have made 10 posts or 1000 on the forums).
  11. thursday: it is not up for discussion, ok. I posted the reason in the thread before closing it.
  12. The idea is certainly not to fence new members into any one area - they would be welcome to post anywhere on the Forums. We want to make the Forums as welcoming as possible, not the other way round. (I'm not sure why someone might think we would want to do anything other than...) It is however an idea that a number of potential new members have asked us about, so there is interest in something like this from those people. Some newcomers are apprehensive about posting and we are aware of a number of those reasons. Anyway we're not going to really thinking this through or making any
  13. I'm not going down that road now thursday. We haven't made any firm plans on this but other people do see it worthwhile and we do see it potentially working. And if we did go ahead with something like that we would expect people to either go by the guidelines set out or simply avoid it if the temptation to cause trouble is too strong. Anyway this is all going off topic...
  14. Hey thanks for the co-operation. You would be free to try and push us and the policies we might lay out for that section (or in fact any section) if you really wanted to, but know what the consequences would be. A few people in the past have done that and it gets old really quick. It's really not worth it, believe me.
  15. Welcome BettyBoo! >>>> Following on from your comment Bushpig, can we try for this not to become a "shitfest" please. It's something a few people have mentioned before actually and we are thinking of in time for next season -- to have maybe a "New to Skiing/Snowboarding/Japan" forum that is pretty much where the newby questions could live, and with instructions from other members to only post if it's a post of the "kind" kind (ie. not mocking, if you see what I mean). Just an idea at the moment and we welcome feedback but we do want the Forums to be a welcoming
  16. We've just made a few slight changes here and there to text used on the main Forums to make things a bit easier and more obvious - for example - in the top bar "Forum List" is now "FORUMS HOME"; - in the drop downs "My Messages" is now "My Private Messages"; - on each post the link to the main "Reply" page is labelled "Full Reply". ...and a number of other similar changes. We have also made the reply box bigger by default.
  17. I think the thread was getting from searches, then someone just dragged it up. Lots of people obviously find it interesting!
  18. I was sure I had turned it on earlier. Sorry! (The original post by ausi ski bum was posted last night by the way)
  19. Yes it does exist. It is at the bottom of each post. It is called "Reply". You add an image just as you did before: Put after the URL, no spaces. Or alternatively use the button that exists on the Reply page. Thanks.
  20. Of course images are allowed - just as they were before. (And nothing else has changed either, conspiracy theorists).
  21. It is turned off at night - please see the guidelines.
  22. Quote: I do not want to advertise these people here. Thanks for your constraint thursday. One of the reasons why we have to keep things like that off here. Just the other day we had someone post on here with an only vaguely hidden promotional message for their friends - we know this because we know who posted it, their close relationship to the company they were promoting and the frankly lie of a message they posted in order to get a message out and post a website address. It went something like this: "Hey does anyone know a company called ABC in Niseko? I've heard they are r
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