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Everything posted by onehunga

  1. Not rubbish, but can be explained by the way that some telcos handle mobile calls. When you call a mobile there is a time gap between you pressing call, and the callee getting the call. The telco has to route your call, and that involves actually finding the mobile phone you are calling. During this "find" time different telcos do different things to indicate to you that something is actually happening with your call. Some play a ring tone. So it is entirely possible that some of the family members could call someone on the flight and get a ring tone. The online on QQ can be explained by t
  2. I think the area where the houses are is where Mick did his backcountry run. He might be able to shed some light on whether they are occupied or boarded up for the winter. Or maybe one of the awesome SJ guys could let us know, they do have the privilege of being able to look at Mt Granview from their windows.
  3. As one of the members of SnowJapans most exclusive club, how have you coped since skiing the mighty Mt G.
  4. In all my excitement about my visit to the mighty Mt G I forgot to post another clue. So here is one big clue I took the photo
  5. At least one of them is yours. The first photo is the place you pointed out as we drove off.
  6. I though last weekend 1/2 Mar was going to be it for me this season, but I still keep checking the weather forecasts. It was forecast to snow most days from last Thursday till Tuesday. So I asked Mami nicely if I could go skiing on Wednesday. However she wasn't able to get time off, but she did say I could go on the weekend if I wanted. Unfortunately the weekend was forecast to be snowing everyday. While this would have been nice skiing, I really wanted to go out on a day where I could see where I was going. I particularly wanted to see some of the beautiful views I'd only seen to date in
  7. I went a bit snap happy with the camera, the views were so gran(d) Check the photos out here http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/gallery/album/392-mt-granview/
  8. I'm pretty sure at least one of those lines are Micks. He disappeared off under that pylon, then appeared 40 minutes later on the lift up from the bottom
  9. Not sure about bottomless, I landed on my bottom a few times. Mich, being a boarder sat on his, so there were a few bottoms there. The snow was epic though. Probably because they had been closed during the week, one day open, then more snow on Saturday night. Boot to knee deep powder with a couple of places with more than that. (how do I know, well I'm a shit powder skier, so ended up on my bottom, face, stomach a lot, and in a few places it was very very deep)
  10. YES, we did it, MickRich and I did it, we are now members of SnowJapans most exclusive club, a club so exclusive and small that our secret meetings (last Friday of the Month, but only if the month has 29 days) will be held here. Do you need to ask what gives you membership to this most exclusive of clubs, it is of course the ability to utter those immortal words "I have skied/boarded Mt Granview" Yes, I say to all those doubters out there, for I was there to witness it, MickRick has boarded Mt Granview, BUT, yes but, not only did he board Mt Granview he hiked out the back and boar
  11. There are some levels of awesomeness that can only be experienced in small doses lest the brain explodes
  12. I hope to leave here between 5:45 and 6:00, arrive at McD's between 6:15 and 6:30. I'll post time I leave in this thread so you don't have to wait around too long. I'm driving a black Subaru Impressa Sport, with a black roof box. Off to bed now, see you in the morning.
  13. Google says 30 mins to the BMW dealership. How long would it take you get there from your place.
  14. There's space in the car for two more, if anyone else in the area wants a day trip.
  15. Yes it's Totsuka-ku, Yokohama. Is there somewhere near you that is easy to find, ie a place with a phone number I can put into the Navi system. Not 100% sure where I want to go, just want to go. Wouldn't mind spending the morning at Mt G and the afternoon somewhere bigger.
  16. Mick, you still reading this? How about option three. I'm driving up tomorrow. Leaving Totsuka about 6:00. You are welcome to come along, will get more time at the mighty Mt G, and save some money :-)
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