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About DunadainRanger

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    10+ posts
  1. MWR only does trips once a week and sometimes they're on my duty day so it's better for me to just go to a close place like Snova on my own.
  2. Anybody going to Snova anytime soon? I'm thinking of going tomorrow or this weekend.
  3. How can you tell what any of that says? Can anyone translate for me?
  4. sweet. thanks for the info. guys. stemik- Yes, the navy has a tours and tickets branch that organizes trips to the mountains.
  5. Tubbs, OK, the Shinkansen costs a buttload of money, correct? That's out of the question for me.. the buses sound more realistic. Where can I find info on these bus schedules?
  6. thanks everyone for the responses and here I am almost a year later to follow up on them lol.. last season I didn't get to go snowboarding at all but I'll be damned if I don't this season.. Few questions.. skidaisuki - you said JR does special deals for a train ticket + lift ticket.. where can I find these offers? Joumba - where is that place? is it just a small indoor hill or what? I went to the website but unfortunately I can't read Japanese. also.. should I bring my snowboard gear to Japan? I'm going back to the States for Xmas and the return trip would be a perfect t
  7. ta. another thing.. I've heard in order to ride the trains in Japan you need a "JR Pass", which you cannot acquire while in the country. Is this true? Is it possible to make a day trip to Kagura or is it too far? Can you take a snowboard on the trains? What am I looking at as far as money for a lift ticket/train rides for a day?
  8. Whats up everyone? I'm in the Navy and I'm getting stationed in Yokosuka, Japan in January. I definitely wanna shred when I get there.. what is the closest mountain to Yokosuka and does it have a decent terrain park? I love snowboarding and park is all I ride, just wanna find out the best places to ride, how to get there, whether to bring my snowboard gear from back home, and possibly find some other military members on here that would want to tag along! Thanks!
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