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Metabo Oyaji

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Metabo Oyaji

  1. A Harrier Hybrid would certainly be nice, though I think I'd prefer a fuel economy hybrid to a performance hybrid... Would the Prius Alpha be able to carry skis inside? I looked in the back of one once, and it seemed just barely possible, maybe. Hmm, yeah, actually I think I could fit skis in there:
  2. Didn't the Soviet Union suffer more deaths during the war than China? As to your question, sure, there are memorial days dedicated to those killed in war in other countries...
  3. Hmm, property taxes went up this year -- I don't remember that being touted as part of Abenomics. Unexpected bonus!
  4. Click on the little question-mark balloon in the lower right, then choose the option to revert to the previous version of google maps. Proceed as usual from there. I find the new version pretty much unusable, too. Don't know what they were thinking.
  5. That is an extremely irritating version of that song.
  6. Someone asked this on Yahoo: Another exchange, referencing the same Horii fellow: So, just to sound catchy, or give an impression of size, seems to be the guess.
  7. Historical re-creation. They pick some historical person or episode, and study it in depth. Always learn something.
  8. Does no one else here watch this show? Only thing I find worth watching on TV these days, other than news...
  9. 歴史秘話ヒストリア on tonight, 10:00.
  10. There have been certain ponderings and ruminations. Nothing approaching the status of an actual plan, however.
  11. Mr. Sunday just had an inspiring story about a Chinese employee at Tomamu struggling, and finally succeeding, to learn keigo well enough to work the front desk. Always nice to see these kind of immigrant success stories.
  12. Anybody been there Golden Week? Are the T-bars running then? Is the chair lift course still fully skiable? What about the 5-km Shimizu Course from the parking lot down to Goshikunuma -- how does one get back up from there? (Take the bus? Does it run often?)
  13. Really, that little? Including the interest part of the mortgage payment? (I assume the asset transfer refers only to the principal payment part?) And that is averaging in all the people who pay rent?
  14. It'll be down to Grandeco, Nekoma and Minowa. (Actually, I think it is already down to those three.)
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