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Proud C5 owner

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Proud C5 owner

  1. And here I was waiting for the C6. How can he develop a successor to the fabulous c5 if he doesn't use a computer. But thanks for the memories and the ZX80, 81 and Spectrum dude. Quote: Thirty years ago this month, Clive Sinclair launched a computer that he hoped would change the world. In the majority of cases it only changed the way people played primitive computer games, but it also turned a bespectacled, prematurely balding man into a hero for our times. In those dark days before Windows 7 and the iPad, the Sinclair ZX80 represented the pinnacle of affordable domestic comp
  2. First off, he's not the kind that would showing too much outward affection in public. (And, no, that has nothing to do with sexuality). But if he did, I'd tell him to get his gay arse out of there!
  3. I dislike some of your opinions as voiced in other threads on here. But you are welcome to them, even though it seems you bring out that hate word yourself quite easily. Quote: So bloody what if you they do 'mince' near you C5 do you then hate them? As long as they're out of sight then you'll be big enough to accept them? No. I did not mean literally. Actually, one of my good friends here in Japan is gay, though he's not of the mincing kind and his sexuality is not how he defines every asppect of his life.
  4. I like gays as long as they don't mince near me. More totty for me. I just wish that some would stop blabbering on about their gayness as if it is the only defining thing about them. I don't do the same about my sexuality.
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