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An animal is called him or her when the gender of the animal is known. It is called "it" if you dont know whether or not it is a male or female. This may only apply to pets though (well what are the chances of knowing the gender if it is a wild animal). People like to use him/her because it is more personal and makes the pet feel closer to a human.


I hope it make sense ;\)

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It also depends on the animal. I would not call some random farm cow her, just because it had udders. If the animal is a pet or perhaps an non-pet animal that is under the care of a vet and the vet knows the animals sex. Other than that, I may by default call an animal him/he regardless of sex. For example, "this is my turtle, he likes to eat slugs". I do not differentiate between pets and people when it comes to refering to them. I think some people think in terms of humans being he/her but pets just being an 'it'.


I call my GF 'it' quite often, and refer to myself as him/he: "it turns the fan onto high, it moves it's head as he can't see the tv, it passes him the lighter".


I learnt this from The Silence of the Lambs.


It rubs the lotion on its skin.

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