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Yeah, mee too. I never owned one but used to dream about the Gateway Handbook...


Gotta love those Computer Museum sites. There's been some really odd stuff over the years that's quickly forgotten...but when you see it again you go "Oh yeah...THAT thing..." and suddenly feel rather old.


I remember cruising the Net on Compuserve with a 14k dialup modem, and thinking it was hot stuff.


I remember my brother writing his papers on a Commodore64, and showing me the word processing key commands and the silly games it had.


Still not a bad hobby platform for video I hear.


Sort of like the old Ataris had a resurgence a few years ago when various techno and core bands used them as sound generators for various kinds of electronic noise. Atari Teenage Riot for example.


It's hard to keep collections of stuff when you live in a rented apartment, but when I get my own place back home, with a basement, attic and garage, well...I'll see you on some BBS in 2034, talking about how I just sold my mint condition Vaio for $50,000 (about $300 in today's funds of course).


It's not just baseball cards and toys anymore folks. The geek in all of us can now collect and croon over a hoard like anyone else!



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