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...What were some problem points?


"There's a small notch in the leg part; the plastic construction for this was quite difficult."


It's because of this notch that you can take the skirt o­n and off.


"The people at the plant asked me why we couldn't simply just cover it up with a flared skirt, but I couldn't agree to that."


This product is trouble. Surely there are some other troublesome details.


"Our opinions were divided between thinking it would be better to make the stomach fat or thin. We decided o­n making it fat."


That's right. I answered completely based o­n my personal preferences.


...Wait a minute, can't you see the panties?


"Not from a normal angle."


Right, that's because I'm peeking inside.


-It's for healing


One thing Mr. Ikarashi wanted to appeal to me was the healing powers of this product.


"Not 'it's nasty,' but 'it's pleasent.'"


According to a survey collected by Mr. Ikarashi himself, the image associated with the lap pillow is "relief." Not excitement.


The "Lap Pillow" is an ultra-fine healing good.



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