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For those that like the conspiracy theorys

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You might like a program thats on Japanese tv at the moment - talking about 9-11 and the US elections and how they were "fixed". It's on one of the normal channels (number 1 on my tv)

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Our friend Bill is still at it:

(quite fancy some of those lovely bumber stickers though)


When are we Americans going to wise up? How many times does the French government, led by Jacques Chirac (search), have to put all of us in danger before we get the picture? France is helping worldwide terrorism.


Here's the latest. France has said no to Secretary of State Rice, who asked the Chirac government to designate Hezbollah (search) as a terrorist group. If France would do that, Hezbollah could not raise money in Europe, which it is now doing through various charitable fronts.


There is no question Hezbollah is a terrorist group. It was responsible for killing more than 200 U.S. Marines in Lebanon (search) back in 1983. And since then has murdered thousands of civilians primarily in and around Israel.


The secretary general of Hezbollah, a guy named Hassan Nasrallah, has openly stated that the group's slogan is "death to America." Hezbollah's head of security, a guy named Imad Mugniyah, met at least once with bin Laden and has a $5 million price tag on his head put there by the U.S. government.


Hezbollah is funded and harbored by Iran and Syria. And even the new Palestinian leadership wants them branded a terrorist group because they oppose any peaceful solution vis-a-vis Israel.


Jacques Chirac won't call Hezbollah terrorists. When is enough enough, ladies and gentlemen? When will the American people realize that Chirac and his minions are putting this country and millions of other of people in danger?


So I am again calling for all responsible people not to buy French products, not to travel to France, and to contact the French embassy in Washington, and let them know Chirac's conduct is unacceptable.


Now President Bush travels to Europe on Sunday. He'll meet with Chirac in Brussels. The administration continues to tell us things are improving regarding France. Don't believe it. Until we see the French government do something to help in the war on terror, we should consider that country hostile to our safety.


And so, the boycott of France is on. Bumper stickers are available on www.billoreilly.com. Get a bunch of them. Spread the word. France is helping Hezbollah and other terrorists. Until that stops, we're not buying their stuff. No spin, no whine.

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