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Best shop to shop at in Jimbotcho - in your experience

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i looked around there the other day,

infact i was originally in akihabara, and i decided to walk to jimboucho(not recommended), damn, i got lost so many times mad.gif , but once i got there cool.gif ,


theres that little one, `K-box` i think, which impressed me with price and a surprising selection for a ridiculously tiny shop..


then i walked past that big row of shops, because they were pretty lacking in my view,

so i kept on walking for maybe a couple hundred metres, then i turned left and there were these two shops, i forgot the name of the one on the left, it was ok, and there was this other one on the right called `liberty`

it has 3 floors (i think?) packed with stuff you actually wanna buy, the selection was really the highlight for me, plus theres a real cute girl working there \:\) ,


so if i was to pick a shop i would go with liberty.


when i called them the other day, the operator told me its not in jimboucho confused.gif , which is a little confuzin, but, just ask any other store in jimboucho and they should point you there.


another good thing about liberty is that its snowboard all year round (from what ive heard..)

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was a snowboarding nut ( i guess just like us!) friend of mine living in tokyo.... not sure what his source was.....


but think about it.. japan has around 600 resorts and 130 million people... that is a pretty big customer base. and jimbocho is pretty mega!!


anyone out there ever seen any snowsport goods selling distict anywhere else in the world?? guess i should have aked that in a new thread huh?!?!

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Don't go there if prone to yuujuufudan (indecisiveness). Wicked selection. You can basically pick what you want in one of those gear bibles that come out every year and find it there. Patagonia's down one of the back streets if you're after clothing and want to see a "real" mountain brand that's not dabo dabo (baggy) to appeal to the kids. No cuffs on their jackets though, so get some decent gloves if you're a believer.


Burton's top gear is also not dabo dabo, with the Gore XCR jackets (AK 3L?) being tailored so as to come in sharply where your rib cage ends. No room for a beer gut in there.


One shop had a big feet corner with 29 and 30 size boots. Didn't get the name, but it was up near the First Kitchen on that side of the road.


I didn't think the area as a whole was amazingly cheap though. At least not this week.

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