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So you don't believe it was possible that once upon a time there was a hairy street spruiker that pulled out a loaf of bread and a fish and fed, say, SIX people with it?


i had a recent conversation with a couple of Jahovah's witness door knockers about creation. She asked me what I believed. I simply said I don't know. In fact no one could possibly know how the universe was created. It's ridiculous to suggest that anyone could with an come up with an answer on that one.

She was certain that a supreme being has designed everything. I told her that's just what she believed. It's called faith. If we knew all the answers with 100% certainty, it would be called FACT not FAITH.

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Well Mantas maybe you should be a little more specific about what you mean by 'genuine credibility'. As a sceptic I allow for anything being possible but I also assign some probability to the possibility of something based on the credible evidence to support it. I'm not prepared to have absolute belief in anything in the absence of credible evidence. The subjective thing here of course is what you believe to be 'credible' evidence. This can be different for everyone depending on how credulous they are.

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DiGriz there's also the fact that most major sceptic organisations around the world offer large amounts of money (up to $1 million) for anyone with psychic 'abilities' to go in and under mutually agreed upon conditions prove their abilities. Such prize money has been available for many decades and as yet has never once been paid out. If anyone actually truly had psychic abilities you'd think it would be extremely easy money wouldn't you? ;)

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Yeah, and there's a magician who's a real debunker of these clowns -- is it James Randi or something like that? He can watch them for 3 minutes and then do their `act' even better than they can.

It's interesting that the vast majority of humans have this need to believe in some form of the supernatural. I wonder if it's not linked in some way to self-awareness.

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