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The official "overheard" thread...

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On the train last night and I heard two Japanese host-type blokes, ya know, the Peacock-looking guys with hair that would make Jon Bon Jovi envious, and they were talking about sex; not just any sex, but sexy with pregnant girls. One was saying how he is tired of shagging young girls, so recently he is going for older, pregnant girls. His friend didnt believe him. He continued saying how he loves the look of girls with a nice big round stomach, and loves touching it while...well...you get the idea.


I stood there shocked for about 20 mins listening to them, and thinking omg wakaranai


Got any interesting stories from conversations you have overheard?

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There's a fellow I know in The States who is in the surf industry. He is an outspoken conservative and has "impeach 0bama" bumper stickers on his car and whatnot. He jumps at the chance to preach about how the Democrats will ruin America. I overheard him talking to his friend on the phone about a new product and how he was so proud that he had decided to get it manufactured in the PRC instead of the USA because the profit margin would be triple. I'm not sure what his friend said at this point, but the reply was that, "the consumer didn't know any better anyway". Nice.


Now that is what is wrong with America!


Nowhere nearly as good as yours, CB!

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