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Yamagata, Miyagi, Iwate, Akita Ken's, anyone living there atm?

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I've only been to Tazawako in Akita, and Geto in Iwate. Tazawako is fun, but doesn't really have many runs. You can do a bit of hiking at the top of the mountain but you can't really veer too far out of bounds before getting trapped in a gully. Geto is a little flatter than Tazawako, but wider and offers a better variety of terrain. Personally I think they're both tiny mountains, having grown up riding Blackcomb/Whistler. Heck, even the local Vancouver mountains are bigger than those two, but beggars can't be choosers. Some people that don't have any experience riding large mountains would probably rate them higher than I would.


Going to check out Yamagata Zao for 3 days next month though, it looks to be one of the larger resorts in Tohoku.

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we were thinking about zao as part of the trip, are there m/any other mtns there worth a look? been to hear about what you thought of zao when you get back. we were also thinking about Hachimantai..

edit: just realised you said your going to zao next month, were going end of this month, anyone else been to zao?

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I own zao.




(not financially, of course.)


trees won't be ridable for another 1-2 meters. We're getting snow, but it's just kinda lingering its way in. No huge dumps yet. the base came in super wet and sticky, so that's good.


shoot me a pm... I'll try to make zao's vast layout manageable at least.

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Unfortunately since I'm a recent sign-up to the boards, I can't send you a PM... if you could send me one that would be just peachy.


My friend and I basically just like to freeride, ride trees, and use the natural terrain for jumps and other fun. Not really interested in the park. If you could recommend any good runs or areas on the mountain (I won't ask you to give up your best lines), I'm sure that would help us get the most out of our trip to Zao.



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Squampton, you can't receive PMs yet either. After christmas break, I'm pretty much just riding one day a weekend... likely sundays, but depending on the storm, amongst other things. let us know which days you wanna hit zao and if I'm free, I'll show you around.

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I'll be at Zao from January 1st-3rd. After that I'll probably split my riding between Getou and Zao, with some Onikobe sprinkled in here and there (I live in Osaki). I have Sun/Mon off usually, so I'd love to take you up on your offer, thanks!

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Zao, Hachimantai and Hakkoda would be 3 to visit, imho.


But there are probably plenty of good spots at other hills too... if you can hook up with locals to show you... (hence this thread, duh.)


Yes, he has a car.

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My vote for Northern Honshu-


#1. Hachimantai is phenomenal for the price. Also not so bad when there is no vis.


#2. Hakkoda can white out and can run upto 7,000yen a day. (assuming you score 7 runs in; that's right, 1000/run.) But it is bigger than either. (this would be #1 in the spring/BC season)


#3. Zao is loads of onpiste, spread out with 4 gondolas. The tree patches are short but glorious when they're on. Zero competition for that snow too.

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