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Suddenly realised that it's October... and the season is just around the corner! I didn't get any new skis at the end of last season as I didn't have any cash and was told that last year's stuff would be available cheaply around now. I'm considering something like Volkl Supersport 5* or the like, do you think I've left it too late to get last year's gear? Thanks!


Edit: I see Wangel still has last year's AC3 Titanium for a price I would be happy to pay, anyone got anything good or bad to say about this ski? I enjoy bumbling around all over the mountain, like to carve well but am not particularly a technical perfectionist. More concerned with having fun in whatever conditions I find myself in. Probably stick more to the pistes than the powder if I'm honest, but am thinking of getting a separate pair of fatties anyway so that angle's covered.

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