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Any fake priests amonsts our SJ congregation?

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I've never been a fake priest but I think it would be a cool gig.


On the other end of things, my friends got married by a fake priest at a wedding chapel in Kyoto a couple of years ago. He introduced himself as "Brother Daniel". He twice he called the bride "Tomoko" before my friend correct him: "It's Miyako!". Brother Daniel graciously suggested repeating the lines and editing the video tape to cover up the gaff but my friend just wanted to wrap things up at that point. After the ceremony we were all milling about taking pictures and so on as the chapel staff tried to rush us out. I guess they have to erase any trace of the previous customers before the next guests arrive. Kind of like a love hotel.

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Yep Ger, it is a production line. A place I know had a wedding scheduled every 45 minutes, and busy days would do up to 12 in a row. They really push the guests and the couple on thru quite quickly thumbsdown.gif No chance to enjoy the moment and just have a good day.

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those big wedding centers are RAKING it in. It is ridiculous and I will fight tooth and nail before I go thru that if/when I get married. Ger, 12 in a day is big bucks only from the point of view that youget paid for 12 x however much they pay.

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