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Dumb and Dumber - Australian Snowboarding Bankrobbers

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He's no relation, friend, or aquaintance of mine boardbaka so I don't care. If he was I'd disown him anyway.


Aussies love making their beastiality jokes about kiwis as much as they like to claim selected kiwis as their own. Go ahead and keep the "bunny botherer" if you like. Seems like moving to the bright lights of Sydney really screwed this guy up.


sobriquet, I'm pretty sure it was a Muldoonism and not a Langeism, but I could be wrong.


Can't say I'm a big pavlova fan so Australia can keep that too. My mum makes a pretty mean chocolate mousse version of it though. Now that's a different story thumbsup.gif

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NZ is a stunning country with a way of life unique in this world. And you guys are hung up on who invented a cake. The only people that I know who have a problem with NZ and kiwis..... are kiwis themselves. ;\)


BUUUUT, I am quite excited and must acknowledge the remarkably un-Anglo Saxon culinary inventiveness displayed by either/or/and 1920's Australians and New Zealanders. Inspiration from art (ballet) to create the same sensory experience of light whiteness in food! NZOZ deserves strong praise for having the cultural intelligence to bring the two together and make it a lasting part of our development as young nations: food and art are at the core of cultural richness. Not bad considering that at the time we were 130 year old nations populated with settlers and convicts from the UK, who, in 1953, created Coronation Chicken - the most vulgar tasting, looking and textured food to hit the modern 20th century Anglo Saxon dinner table. When you move out of home it is best to develop your own ways and means, leaving those of your ailing parents behind you.

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BPC, I was struck by exactly the same thought that you expressed there. The ballet! And the pudding!


I was also tickled by the idea of Sachse reading the "Women's Mirror" and other magazines for ideas. Discreetly, in private, I would imagine.


I had no idea Pav contained vinegar either.

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