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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by JA2340

  1. Hey, GN and GG - perhaps you'd like to get a room? Then you can argue all you like without being a PITA for the rest of us!
  2. And, the question unanswered (possibly because it was unasked) is "How many sought asylum in the US?" - 24988 granted - but from how many applicants?
  3. After first wife passed away, it was around 5 years before I met next one - that lasted 13 years and ended in a divorce. 3 years after that, I met current partner (not needing the piece of paper to prove what we both know) and still with her after almost 20 years! It takes practice to find the right person, unless you are very lucky!
  4. Intelligent and sensible do not always co-exist in the same body, hey?
  5. Ooooh, yeah! We got plenty of 'em! Just most of them don't want to be elected to Parliament! Of course there's the odd [very odd, sometimes] exception, and she's obviously one of those!
  6. Yeah, live (or seem to) in the cistern. Some at work sit on the float, causing the float not to work as designed and the loo to run continuously. PITA! Solution is to sprinkle salt (common table stuff) onto their preferred seat. After fishing the bastards out, that is! That stops them.
  7. Yeah, WC (from the euphemism Water Closet, being the closet in the house where water is supplied)
  8. Eyes! My Eyes! Why, oh why did I open that? (terminal stupidity is just one answer!)
  9. That's for use when the axles of the car are resting on the surface of the mud you tried to drive through!
  10. Hmmm ... poder (or maybe even ponder) this ... A recent study found that more money is being spent on boob jobs and viagra than on alzheimers research............... by 2040, the elderly will have perky tits, stiff c*cks and no idea why
  11. Problem with that? My house has a separate toilet - no need to wash or bathe there, is simply a place to crap! but it DOES have water in it (could always go back to the "water closet" terminology?) At school, kids (talking 15-18 year olds, here) used to ask if they could go to the bathroom - answer "sorry, no baths here" Why are they embarrassed about using the word toilet? I do understand the derivation of the word toilet (from the French toilette = wash/bathe).
  12. My question would be "What? Did you not bathe before you came here? ... Oh, you mean a toilet! Yes we have one but we don't bathe in it!". I do NOT understand the problem with the word toilet!
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