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Posts posted by snowdude

  1. As much as possible I try to use the small roads rather than for example route 20, not always possible of course.

    In general I find car drivers do give me a large birth when they overtake me and even sit behind waiting for the on coming cars to clear before coming past.

    Truck drivers tend not to give much space though.

    Compared to the UK car drivers have a lot more respect for cyclist here I find.

    Of course their are always a few arse holes, which you will get anywhere.

    But then I dont commute busy routes everyday, I am just a pleasure cyclist so I can choose my routes, everyday commuting is probably quite different.


  2. Just got back from an 80k cycle ride to Suwako, was very nice indeed.

    Took me 4hrs 15mins with a 19.1k/h average speed on all mountain roads except for the little bit of flat around Chino/Suwa.


    Didnt feel out of breath in the slightest and could have easily gone further, lungs wise, legs not so sure, had some points where I got a bit of leg burn, but I just kind of cycled through that then was ok.

    Nothing as much as I was expecting though.

    I need a few more runs though to get my legs more used to the hills.


    I thought I did well, probably that was a rubbish effort compared to some of you hardcore cyclist, but I was happy with it.

    Next goal maybe Matsumoto and back in a day, once I have done a few more shorter trips.

    Anyway the weather was great and the cycling was fun.

  3. GN I am still waiting for you to post a link to that bs data you posted ealier.

    You like to run your mouth, but can never provide any details of were you get your info from, now why is that?


    It's all available on the 'NOAH' site. Don't bother though snowdude. You aren't interested in science or facts. You're like the religious. You happily live in your little bubble of delusion devoid of any scientific evidence.


    Should that not be 'NOAA'?


    And have you noticed how NOAA only picks a few hotter than usual spots and then say the world is warming.

    They do not mention anything about all the places that are cooler and wetter than usual.

    Why have they not memtioned Japan for one, Japan has been much wetter and cooler throughout the summer and continues to be so this month.

    Many parts of the US have been cooler than average, but they only pick a few areas that have been warmer and or drier.


    Now you can not expect the entire planet to be colder than average, but if you look at the big picture more of the planet has been below average than above average this year, why is that not mentioned?


    Strangely enough NOAA have stated that there has been no global warming in past years even though they try to make it look like there is when you look at there site.

    But if you study it carefully you will see how they pick a few places only, mainly places that are known hot spots and a few odd ones that are warmer than usual.

    If they monitored everywhere it would show a very different result.

    And you can not expect one country to always be colder, even cold places will have warmer than average temps sometimes The climate varies always has done and always will, but one thing is for sure it is on the whole getting cooler.


    Anyway you have messed up my thread with your drivle, so back to the topic in hand that being snow watch on the mountains.

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