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Everything posted by TokyoXtreme

  1. The last time I went riding, a little chunk got taken out of my board in mysterious circumstances. Mysterious because I don't remember how it happened. Take a peek: Pretty small, about the size of my thumbnail, but inner wood and plastic are exposed. Does anyone know or recommend a place in the Kanda sporting goods area that repairs stuff like this?
  2. When I first started snowboarding seven years ago, I was pretty much finished at 4:00 or 5:00, and this is considering that I would start at 10:00 or 10:30, and have about a total hour of lunch and rest in the middle. But back then I had very little muscle tone, and I weighed about 80 kg / 180 lbs. In the summer of 2006 however, I started working out three times a week to develop all-over body muscle (used the AbsDiet DVD actually, which covers all major muscle groups). I would also go skateboarding for a few hours every week, and in November, started going to a nearby skatepark to skate
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