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Everything posted by Stuntcok

  1. There is snow to the bottom of 47 at least. I don't know how much longer for...
  2. I may rush up as well. Last week I made it for 9:30 and in time for beers with Kenta
  3. I am officially leaving this thread. I come on this site to talk about skiing when I should be working and this is starting to sound perversely like work. So, I would just like to say that the worse the Japanese economy and RE situation gets the more committed I am to my RE holdings at ski resorts as I may have to move there and pursue a career as a ski instructor or HakubaPowderLodge wood cutter person.
  4. Originally Posted By: Fattwins Thus you wont really get the regular Japanese population to invest in apartments at ski resorts. This is classic investment mentality. You would be surprised what people will buy after it goes up just a bit, even if there are carry costs or little intrisic value. There was a time in my memory when no-one would buy gold. It had no worth save in small tech applications and jewlery (and silver colour was coming into fashion), the few countries that were using gold as a currency standard were selling and moving to currency based treasury, it was costly t
  5. Your friend is not as well advised as mine, it seems, as I have many friends depreciating property for tax. It may be that the level of rent or his income tax bracket does not make the fixed cost of advisory worth it.
  6. Sorry, I leave on Fridays. That's OK because I think I have a full car this weekend anyway.
  7. Actually, if you have a valid driver's license and prefer rock and punk to trance you can share the driving with me over Tsonda.
  8. I always try to hit the Southern Hemi for some snow. NZ has some great ski towns but even those spoiled by Japan pow can get awed by the Andes. Those are some serious mountains with some very serious terrain and great snow (at least when I went). It is hard to get to from here though so I think I will do short trips to get my fix in NZ this year. As for the season, this was covered on TGR quite extensively as those guys are the most likely to go for the endless season. The conclusion there was that the season starts when your home mountains get snow and ends when you finish skiing.
  9. As you can imagine, skiing has damaged my career. It has also lost me lots of friends and put strains on my familly life. If alcohol or drugs cost this much I would be locked into the Betty Ford clinic for eternity.
  10. So a 7 day work week... Fair enough. Actually I was thinking too literally about being directly prevented by work. Other than being on call, the other things are indirect and incidental (like where you live). I, personally, can not understand being too burned out to ski as that is all I can do to unwind and will travel on no sleep to ski one day but I may be an exception. I put skiing way before work anyway. As an example, when as last minute heli slot came up to ski with the wink inc crew in Valdez (trip of a lifetime) and I booked to leave my boss asked if I put it in the system
  11. If you live in Japan and don't work 7 days a week how can work stop you from skiing?
  12. I am guessing you don't live in Japan, or a snow country for that matter.
  13. I don't understand how work can stop skiing unless it sends you abroad or you work 7 days a week.
  14. The property may appreciate but the tax code says buildings depreciate, whether they do or not. How you class the original cost between property and building is essential and requires a good accountant/lawyer. There are fixed codes for different types of buildings and different rates of depreciation for, say a wasting chattel vs a class A office building. If you experience "appreciation" and sell it you will be subject to capital gains tax, which is lower (and later) than the income tax you deferred through depreciation.
  15. Errrrr, depreciation refers to the spreading out the cost of an asset that has multi year life over the life of the asset. For instance, when you depreciate a 10,000 dollar car over an estimated life of 10 years, you have a depreciation cost of 1000 per year that you can set against your revenue and offset tax. What you are refering to is "impariment" not "depreciation".
  16. Why does it need to be revalued? Depreciation is off of book, not a current value. In corporates, only when the asset is severly "impaired" do you revise for depreciation.
  17. Japan is the land of tax loopholes. There are many different ways not to pay tax, you just need to be paying enough tax in the first place to make the advice pay off.
  18. The 183 will be a bit lighter due to it being a lot smaller than the BROcker and its effective edge will be longer. I will still use straight bros as my touring ski but I am a gear whore. If I had to get one, it would be the Brocker
  19. Who has those bro "love" photos from the river crossing and where can I get them?
  20. hahaha. He needs them to tour from the highschool to the pub. He is requesting a special pavement wax
  21. The carbon version will be lighter so it will be most noticible on the uphill. On the down, it is a matter of preference on weather you like light nimble skis or heavier skis.
  22. You have to look at the ownership structure of condos in Yuzawa. I forget the details and the exact terms but many are co-ops and the building management do not have recourse to eviction or repo if you do not pay your maintenence fee. As such, delinquent payers place an ever increasing burden on existing tenants until maintence falls off and the amenities depreciate in quality. Make sure of the structure before you buy. Anyway, look up himawari on the web, they specialise in selling Yuzawa condos.
  23. 50 days, biatches. That is not counting any nightas or any 2 hour days or anything like that. I count 12 ski days until the end of golden week leaving me with 62 for the standard season. Then I have 6 ski days at Momentum Ski Camp in whistler in June. A long weekend or 2 in NZ this summer and my goal for 70 will have finally been hit! I may do a sick day park trip or 2 this month just to make sure I have a buffer...
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