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Everything posted by YellowSnow

  1. My prayers have been answered. They are now selling Lynx in Japan in 7/11 konbinis. Its sold under the name axe (american brand name) the fragences are not exactly the same but close enough. The cans are a little smaller and the consistancy is a bit powdery.
  2. Although I was drinking last night, for all intents and purposes I have given up the drink.
  3. I would say yes since it is just a week away. Loads of spots to hit. Niigata also.
  4. "hungover looking guy dressed in green" Is there an other Irish guy on this forum?
  5. I was going to say hiroshima http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/atozlisting1.php?prefecture=Hiroshima but everything is closed.
  6. I am planing on this being my last trip to kagura, I cant stand the rain.
  7. Think so yeah, I expect it will be sunny so we can all hike kagura together. With out snowshoes
  8. So wanna set a meeting point, usually I waiting for the main gondola(carpark one) at 8:15 8:30 ish.
  9. I guess there will be some melt since last week(best week ever) So the pack should be stable. Ha ha I am bull sitting, but if the lift is open I am sure it will be pretty safe.
  10. Are you going all the way up top? I hope the pair lift is open so I can go for a bit of a walk.
  11. Its stupid to keep you virginity in this day and age. As I mentioned before I was brought up in a Fundamentalist Christian ahem cult. It was a requirement not to have sex before marriage. As all good Christians must. Because I was brought up in this crap I actually took it to heart and didn't even go near girls until I was in my 20's any kind of lewd behavior was punished in some way or the other. This chastity bull has F'ed me up in many ways for life. When I did lose it, it was out of drunken frustration and left me seriously depressed for a year. I left that religion and had a lot of
  12. Well there will be snow up in Hachimantai, Hakkoda, Hokkaido, so there is plenty of choice.
  13. I will be out there again on saturday. I discovered a new tree run, so sir `Let's Tree Run`
  14. Sorry to bust into this thread but hodaigi was the worst resort I ever went to, I cracked a rib on the really bad ice that covered everywhere. A month later and I cant get a good nights rest. Tenjindaira is pretty good though. But I think unless you have a car its pointless to go to that area.
  15. I'm Irish, rednecks are descendants from us so I guess a good bit of the colloquialisms sound familiar. Plus I have an auto spell checker running in Linux because my spelling is atrocious. Though I spelt rhythm correctly.
  16. Id settle for a 'rhythm stick' because I am a 'dedicated follower of fashion'. Old skool enough?
  17. I quite like Carlos Mencia, hes far more racist than Kramer but people of ethnicity can say what ever they want right. It makes me laugh at the whole thing. Next you wont be able to say sparkling wiggles.
  18. skidaisuki its called snow redistribution haha. I also cant stand when snowboarders walk along and sit right in front of me to strap themselves in especially a group of them. Then you try and get around them when you are faced with a group of skiers that feel they don't have to move even a little bit out of the way because they are so much better than a snowboarder. If you accidently scrap their skis they give you the worst glare ever, really cutting the snot off of ya. Anytime I have touched a snowboarders board with mine they just smile, touch a ski and bullets are flying.
  19. The reason is that workers should be able to work in a non smoking environment and should not have to be forced to be in that environment because of the need for work. You could propose that they could accept a smoking enviroment in their contracts, so smokers would be working in the smoking section. But in real life you are always pressured into working where and when you don't really want. The more you let slip the easier it is for the management to walk over you. I am all for personal liberty, but I do support a smoking ban in the workplace. If I ran a country I would ban
  20. I'm all edge to edge I swear. Telemark (except for cross country) is only ever popular after the winter Olympics, especially in Japan if some Japanese got in the top ten. Otherwise its redundant.
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