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Posts posted by moloneb3

  1. Yea I had a flick through the pages and saw that pic! There is little to say really only get well soon and keep the head up. Will you get any skiing done this winter?


    I only started skiing this year in Japan and I am trying to learn as quick as possible. This means going faster than is probably safe!! Every time I went skiing earlier this year I ended up creasing some girl! I was lucky I didn't hurt anyone. I dunno why it was a girl every time. Anyways, an injury will happen sooner or later so I am just hoping it is nothing crazy like yours!!

  2. Of course I am looking for a good ski area, which is absolutely clear from everything I have read about SKogen area (Hakuba sounds cool also). However, it would be nice to do something in the evening with people! I wanna travel around different resorts in Japan this winter for skiing but if it is possible to get some place where you can meet some people and have a good time in the evening, then I would also like that.


    Any suggestions???!

  3. I just wonder now that the UK and America are dependant on foreign sources of energy they are beginning to bleat about this (especially Tony Blair). Look back to the cold war and the constant propoganda that governments produced. Conversely oil companies stand the most to lose so generating doubt in peoples minds will delay any action, necessary or not. I think humans have an impact on the globe, it is naive to think otherwise (6 billion of us and growing). Unfortunately our information is taken over the last 50 years which in geological terms is nothing. What impact we are having we will not know fully until perhaps it is too late!! If we do something about global warming it will benefit the globe and humanity. If those reasons are based on propogandist information by governments trying to reduce dependance on foreign energy, the benefits should still be positive. Means to an end and all that!!!


    In this instance the means may not be fully justified but the ends seem justifiable.

  4. Well it is a tough pickle alright! At the end of the day if you look deep down inside you should know what is right! I know thats cliche but it is true. The easiest person to fool is yourself and I am sure that everyone on this forum has done that at some point. Hell I have done it for a year and a half, going after some chick when I was more in love with the idea than the girl! This is what you have to watch for! Is it a concept/lifestyle or something else you are in search of? It is easy to believe that you love (or loved) someone cos you a) are not so happy with something in your life B) wanted to get married as you wanted an "ideal"!! Clarify your mind 1st, look at the motivations behind these feelings. If you find you are not happy with your wife, try make things work, if they don't work leave your wife cos YOU are not happy, not cos another bit of fluff is there!! If the motivation is that you love this new chick more than your wife-simply-then go for it!


    At the end of the day:

    Absense makes the heart grow fonder.....out of sight, out of mind.....which side are you on (for both your wife and that other bird)?!?! Good luck.

  5. Hey how is it going? Just been reading through the forums there seems to be a fair few people here. I am fairly new to Japan. Lived here for 5 months (Jan to June) at the start of the year. I learned to ski in January on Mount Jeans (but learnt the most at Alts bandai). I have really got the bug. I moved back to Japan about 4 weeks ago for 2 years and one of the main reasons is skiing. So my questions is this: where are the kick a** spots to go to? I am just a beginer so I cannot do anything too crazy, but I am also keen to learn! Seems a lot of people located in Tokyo so you are probably familiar with Mt Jeans. Anyways, it would be cool to meet a few people through these forums. Located in Utsunomiya. Not bad place, bit dead sometimes though for a paddy!

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