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Everything posted by Mantas

  1. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: edit: Jesus! I just realised that Mantas is using the same avatar that Siren used to use. I just worked out why I've been getting a flashback of nausea each time I scan my eyes down a thread this morning. Mantas - nothing wrong with the avatar, just reminds me of a guy that used to use it. You wouldn't have liked him very much (he makes me look like you). mate- tell me how to customise my own avitar and i will change it. it's all a learning curve for me.
  2. Mate- I could dribble on about Indo for hours. Can really relate to the chikens,pigs, kretek ciggies ect. One year I went from Timor to Jakarta overland, bus ferry,bus ferry, bus, ferry, bus, ferry. It took over a month. The pelni boats only came once a week. I had a much better trip to Roti than your horror story. Took a prahu from Baa aa???. and sailed all the way to Nembrala. An Indo had a line out the back. He asked me to hold it while he went for a piss. Bang, 5 minutes later I hauled in a nice spanish mackeral. Scored some nice quality but small waves. hooked up with a good cr
  3. Well here it is again. 'Get it on 'remix! Same dodgey surfing, same dodgey camera, same dodgey cameraman, slightly improved editing and quality. Oh and the same 80's dodgey music that i like.
  4. Yer luv to FT. Really looking forward to it and I'm counting on you Hakuba gurus to open up and let me in on the best powder stashes. All in the name of research of course. I can't be biased now.
  5. Indo have you ever surfed Numbrella Roti? When I was there it was only small but looked like it had heeps of potental. Beautiful spot though.I was in Sumbawa when a massive swell hit. there was about 30 guys in the camps but only 3 went out at lakey peak ( i wasn't one of them) i surfed Nungers. I've never been to the Mentawias, think I missed the boat there. Too crowded now. I had 6 weeks in Nias in 1987. I've never surfed Sumatra mainland. My first trip was in 1978 ( i was 11 ) my last trip was in 1998. I'd like to go back with my kids one day. We had some friends that went wit
  6. Indosnm touched on an important point. Fitness. It can't be underestimated. I'm certainly no big wave hero, but I take my fitness more seriously than some of my surfing mates. This allows me go a bit harder when the swell is on. I don't want to sitting on the beach because I'm not fit enough to paddle out.
  7. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: Are you doing a Niseko-Hakkuba back to back trip? Yes Mate. I've decided to put this Niseko vs Hakuba thing to bed for good. I'm spending a lot of my own time and money doing this research for you guys so I hope you all appreciate what I'm doing. It's the last thing I want to be doing in Feburary beleive me.
  8. Indosm- Do you still go to Indo regularly? I haven't been for years. Got sick of the crowds and grew too impatient to put up with all the third world crap that went along with it all. Where do you go?
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Indosnm: Mantas, wait till ya lived here then you'll be claiming that the goldy is mecca! Is it that bad? I'm getting mixed reports on Japanese surfing. One source said it was the most underrated surf destination in the world!
  10. Mate the gold coast is probably the worst example of surfing you could find. But then again, every man and his dog is out there, you may as well be there too.
  11. Snosurf. Certainly no hardman. The big lesson I learnt from that ordeal is that no matter who you are or how big your ego is. The ocean doesn't care. I'm sure it's the same in the mountains. Fear is a good guide in big waves!
  12. Originally posted by Fattwins; Quote: For mid level riders most people will feel challenged enough, like you have pointed out. FT Wouldn't that account for the majority of the skiing, snowboarding population? Hakuba- STEEP. Niseko-FLAT. I think we get it. After all this talk it better be bloody steep when i get there!
  13. I am comming this year. first trip. So can i join the big boys club? Please please can I ???
  14. Le-Spud Just imagine for one minute that Niseko might just be steep enough for some people. And they were happy with that.
  15. Gather round kiddies, uncle Mantas will tell you another story! Back in 1988 I was surfing G-land on a solid swell. 8 foot and heavy. I took off on a beast and once I got to the bottom I started driving for the pit. It was one of those barrels that didn't quite form right and the lip smacked me hard. I knew something was terribly wrong with my leg but decided to worry about that later. Right now I was more concerned that I was getting held down big time and not sure which way was up. When I finally broke the surface the next wave of the set smashed me again. I remember thinking "jus
  16. Quote: My dad is buying a small place in fiji, right near a good reef, he goes there constantly. I could ditch it all and join him. Is he looking to adopt another kid? Seriously spud get your arse down there!
  17. Well here it is. Some dodgey surfing taken with a dodgey camera and some dodgey editing and quality too. A bag of lollies for anyone who can guess where. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG-Jq7ftVCE
  18. Sure Me and flipper. Work/surf truck
  19. I think I'll leave this thread alone. Doesn't sound like much fun
  20. Now you got me really interested, Tetropods, right I'm going to google it now. Been surfing 35 years spud. Only been taking photos for the last 6 months! I'm learning how to youtube. So when i get that mastered I'll post a vid !
  21. Quote: What are ya talking about? We have tetrapods! What the hell is that ?? Sorry spud, Don't know a guy called Lewis.
  22. Spud- I wasn't having a shot at you. I agree with most of what you said. Surfing as an "industry" sucks and what you said about if it all blew up tomorrow , surfing will continue on is very true. Yer surfing with flipper was pretty special. To them we must be the clumsiest, most unorthodox thing in the ocean yet they must think " Hey let's go and hang with this thing for a bit " Another experience i had was in southern Chile. I was surfing a point break that broke for the best part of a kilometer 4-5 foot. I was all alone. Every now and then a giant seal would cruise underneath me an
  23. Indosnm- You would be no stranger to raw power waves if you grew up down there. i've only ever surfed Cactus but my eldest brother has spent loads of time down there. He chose S.A. over the south pacific this year for his annual surf jaunt. Le Spud- Seems like the biggest problem you have with surfing is the surfers themselves. Can't really say it bothers me too much. Probably because I resigned myself to the fact long ago that top quality waves with no crowds are as rare as rocking horse shit. I'd rather surf a 6/10 surf uncrowded than a 10/10 surf with every surfer on it. Surfing
  24. Don't I know it Spud. You couldn't pay me eough to live in Sydney or any city for that matter. Quote: - I would choose "empty line up at one of the worlds best breaks". But that is an isolated question. More generally, I'd take mountain life over beach life if forced to choose. I agree with you on that one. i've been surfing since the age of 5 and I still live the surf life, my house is 96m to the beach. The beach scene is no novelty for us. we love the mountains and snow. i read with great envy what you hardcore guys do in those mountains, i've only done a fraction of that stu
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