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Everything posted by Mantas

  1. Amazing. So who's having all the babies then? Our goverment now offers $5000. Aus to anyone who has a baby. China offers finacial incentives to have less children.
  2. Usual work day. Up at 5.30-6.00 am Quick breakfast and hit the road 6.00-6.30 am. A late sleep in for me would be 7.00 am. Haven't done that for ages
  3. My brother spend two winters up north WA. He now refers to ANY surf over here as "East Coast Crap" You guys are blessed.
  4. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: WTF are you making? Bongs? Yer . High tech Bongs
  5. Yeah, the SJ community seems to be doing its part to fight the declining birth rate in Japan! I didn't realise Japan has a declining birth rate. So has Australia.
  6. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: 1 litre of water at sea level weighs 1kg and boils at 100 degrees centigrade and freezes at zero. Metric wins. Exactly. As a trademen I work with Copper pipe( in inches ) PVC pipe ( in mm ) Air flows (feet/min ) and ( litres/sec) depending on the manuals. Brass fittings (both inches and mm ) depending on the brand. Temperature ( fahrenheit and celcius ) deending on the type of controls used Water flows. We seemed to have escaped the imperial curse on that one. The Australian government jumped straight onto the metric bandwagon
  7. Quote: Originally posted by Bushpig: mate, edit your post and using the full reply form, paste that into the url button provided, then give it a shorter name when it prompts you. It is severely skewing the thread! Sorry boys .still learning.
  8. Spud- I wonder how many people have a Nat Young story like that? Some people say he had it comming. Judging by the photos, he had a LOT comming!
  9. Isn't the Hawaiiian Ironman being held in Kona this comming weekend? That means 1000's of extra people there.
  10. The whole imperial system. inches, feet, yards, chains, miles, pounds, aaggh ! Why do we need 2 systems?
  11. BP- I knew you were a surfer (well almost ). Haven't met a WA boy yet that doesn't surf. I don't subscribe to the micro racist culture in surfing regarding the pecking order of surfers over body boarders. As long as your having fun it's cool with me. P.S. Just don't tell my surfing mates I said that Ocean- I was going to guess Midget. Yer shame our surfing elder statesmen are behaveing like dickheads. Nat young sounds like a real tool to me. I actually met the guy that knocked him out at that famous Angourie incident. Imagine being famous for that.
  12. BP I thought you would be a surfer ?
  13. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: Many Australian small town working class surfers can't come to terms with the fact that an Australian citizen isn't necessarily an Aussie just like them. And that confusion leads to resentment and nastiness. Quote: I’ve never much liked the narrow minded Aussie yobbo culture of surfing (in Australia), Quote: The other thing they don't get is that the negative emotion towards "imported" only holds water because Asutralia is itself so isolated plus defensive/resentful about foreign things being 'upper class' (its a hang-over fro
  14. 12 - 14 deg. Noooooooooooo. Way Try drinking that after work on a 42 deg. day !
  15. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: I met some guys in Fiji. They wouldn't talk to me because I could tell the difference between VB and Fiji bitter. Are you sure that's why they wouldn't talk to you ?
  16. This is a surfing thread you blokes. Something as important as beer should have it's own thread. My 2 bob's worth. Beers beer. I don't give a shit. I'd drink wet sand! The only beer i can't drink is warm canned beer from the cupboard that my inlaws give me when I go over to England. It's just wrong!! I don't care how many hundred years they have been doing IT.
  17. Quote: Originally posted by Thunderpants: Horatio Caine constantly taking his lame sunglasses on and off Ooar Come on ! Tell me he's not coolest dude on TV. They just don't come any cooler.
  18. What about those dramas (particularly UK dramas) and movies where the cameraman films like he's pissed. For god's sake hold the f@#kin thing steady !!
  19. Interesting point Sub zero- I'll leave it to a Seppo to explain that one.
  20. Stop poofter bashing and get back to Niseko/ Aussie bashing
  21. Quote: Mate, next time I'm in your neck of the woods, I'll bring a slab around! I reckon we could fill a bucket of dribble between us. Th elure of Indo is pulling me back again. My kids are 7 and 4. I think it's time to show them the 'real world'. I took them to Whistler and Hawaii this year. They have no idea really. My bro showed me some footage he shot in SA this May. That place named like a rock It was sick and only 3 guys out. The shark factor must be keeping dudes away. Speaking of sharks. one of the local fisherman counted 22 great whites in 1 day of Stockton be
  22. Quote: Originally posted by db le spud: Why aren't you spending this time, money and leave pass from the wife going surfing? hmm. getting to old now for hardcore surftrips, time to move on to softer sports like snowboarding.
  23. Quote: Originally posted by Thunderpants: Not the boards for you guys, but please take a minute to enjoy some beautiful boards anyway Isn't it amazing. All the boards around now. mals,mini-mals, fishes, afterburners. My brother has about 11 boards of all descriptions. He explains to me in great detail what they are alll for, Me. I have had the same 2 boards for the last 7 years. Come to thik of it I've had the same snowboard for 10 years now. Might be time to upgrade.
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