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Posts posted by misorano

  1. farq:

    Any S14 is better than none, which is what I have thanks to the huge snow falls before xmas. It knocked the antenna off line and I can't get up to the roof to fix it.

    We're moving next month so I'm gonna put the dish outside my bedroom window so I can brush the snow off. \:\)



    Brumbies all the way ...



    Embrace The Ugly.

    These go together really well.
  2. Thanks Gams,

    I knew you'd come to the rescue.

    We were brought up on gold, silver bronze only.


    I suppose it's Japan's way of saying, "Hey, we didn't win a medal but we ganbarimashita"


    Golf prize money goes way down to 20th or so I think.

  3. What is with the 入賞(nyuushou) that the Japanese TV goes on about as in 8位入賞.

    I only thought they gave out medals at the Olympics, but do you get a certificate or something for coming 8th?


    Or is it like the assists they call in soccer that in any other country is called pass?

  4. May not be much help but.....


    We run a small company here in Japan so we have company tax and indivdual tax to deal with.


    Company tax for us is about 30% of the profit, so the idea is to have as smaller profit as possible, and so almost everything we do, we try to get through as expenses (nights out are "entertaining clients" etc). Basically we get a ryoshusho (offical receipt) for everything.


    The company pays us a salary which we manipulate to get the best results. My wife draws the maximum she can while still being counted as dependent on me.


    Good thing is that as 1 have 4 kids and a wife dependent on me I can earn something like 400,000yen a month and pay almost no income tax, and the local authority sends me another 120,000 - 140,00yen every 3 months as income support for dependants.

    Other benefits are that as long as we keep ourselves in the low tax paying grade until the littlest kids are in school, we pay minimal chidlcare expenses.


    On the negative side, we tried running the company at a small loss to save on that tax, but the banks are not happy to loan you money (to the company or personally) if you are declearing a loss.


    As a New Zealander, I pay no tax in NZ except for on the interest on investments.


    Good news is that we have finally got things mastered and I recently bought a house on a loan from the housing loan corp at ......wait for it ......



    2.5% flat rate for 30 years. \:\)

    Guess who is one very happy chappy.

  5. Actually Koizumi got asked in Parliment the other day if he felt it was appropriate to worship at a place with a "Japan was right" type attitude towards the war.


    Struck me as being a good question as they have really only focused on the class a war crims todate.


    Koizumi, of course, did the Junichiro sidestep and replied that they were seperate issues.



    To be honest, I know little about the guy, but he just seems so smarmy. He alsos has that superior little grin going.

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