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Posts posted by misorano

  1. O11:

    Always good to have lead in the pencil isn't it. lol.gif


    Lately it's been getting off the ski lift with the kids and all the girlies learning to snowboard are planted on their backsides. As the kids go wizzing past you get the "YHHKN"(Yappari...)

  2. Thanks for all the comments. As I've said the use of the word "half" grates at me.

    Even when it's used is the common "half ha kawai ne" manner, which is what I mostly hear, it still bugs me. Why do they need the "half" in there, when "kawaii ne" would do the job.


    I may be being over sensitive, but everyone has their pet peeves. \:\)

  3. Can't believe you don't think calling someone "half" is not demeaning. Everytime I hear it (on a regular basis) it think think "half of what?"

    I know people use it without thinking negative thoughts, it just pops out, but it pisses me off.


    Double or dual may sound pretentious, but it is more accurate as it could refer to nationality.


    Maybe I'm more pissed off than usual as I had to go through he whole process of changing addresses yesterday for our new place, and of course I had to get double the paper work that a Japanese needs with my wife's and kids Jumin Hyo and my gaikokujin touroku shoumeisho. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  4. Does anyone else find the term "half" for describing kids of international marraiges a bit demeaning? (Sorry if this has been brought up before).


    Over a few beers the other night we were trying to come up with a better phrase.

    Only 2 we came up with were:



    Hybrid \:\)


    Any better ideas?

  5. What redneck aussies think happen at NZ partys:

    Penned sheep for the boys to get romantic with.


    What actually happens:

    A few chardonays (steinlagers), a rack of decent roast lamb (no the stringbean sh_t the okkers are used to), followed by a rousing discussion about rugby. Once the liquid hits the spot, all sorts of amorous moves are made on the womenfolk, with a success rate approaching Japan at the winter Olympics. Once the womenfolk are nicely tucked up in bed, with not much else to do, the penned sheep look mighty attractive (and they don't complain that they have been ignored all night). What happens next is best not mentioned, but at least it's warm, and goes to show that the average NZ male, unlike his Australian counterpart can still rise to the occasion after a night on the piss.

  6. Bonio,

    I know what you mean. I haven't been winded in about 20 years, but got it severly last week.


    One had 2 crashes so far that have hurt.


    1. Dug an edge in and went a$$ over tit and landed on my tailpipe. Right after the Jan rain and the snow was rock hard.


    2. Got severely winded when I didn't see a small ledge and did a face plant.


    Silly thing was, both were on the beginners slopes.

  7. I've experienced 4 c-sections from the comfort of the waiting room. Mrs. Misorano, (god bless her little heart) handled all the birthing parts with the aid of an epidural. No way in hell was I going to watch and operation where the cut my wife's belly open and haul out another little Misorano. The wanted me to come and check the placenta, but being the delegating type I am, my sister in-law got shoved into the room faster than you can say umbilical cord.


    First I saw of the little ones was nice and clean and without trauma.

    That being said, my wife has over 36 hours of labor before the did the c-section with the first one. \:\(


    From what I've heard most younger Doc (i.e under 40) have no prob with the dad being present at the birth.


    Bit early for this, but when the water breaks, it really breaks. Fill a small rice paddy.

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