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Posts posted by muikabochi

  1. In the last week or so I've come across some pretty strange shop names in the region I live


    A sunacku bar called "Poison"

    A club called "Blind Drunk"

    A barber called "Men's Perm Lemon"


    There was one more I can't rememeber right now, I'll post it when it comes back to me.


    Any more?

  2. Are there many speed cameras on the roads/expressways here? I can't recall seeing many, just some lined up on the expressway.


    Well until today maybe there was a series of strange new things at the side of the road that looked like they could be cameras. There were about 4 within 1km, each with some white light that seemed to flash when someone was going fast.

  3. It is a tradition of the Yamakoshi village (you know, the mountain village that got totally destroyed). Still no-one lives in the village and it will take quite some time to get back to any kind of normality (whatever that will be!). They wanted to keep the bull fight tradition going this year, and so did it in nearby Nagaoka city (actually Yamakoshi is not officially part of Nagaoka).

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