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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sue

  1. Simple-minded view of things Simple-minded is "I am always correct and if your views or opinions differ, you are wrong." Ocean 11, you are easily the most simple-minded cretin on this forum.
  2. Huh? Furm? The biggest threat to NK is the NK leader. If you have a grudge with this Furm fellow pretend to be an adult and keep it to yourself.
  3. So the North Korean nuke threat is not even really about North Korea or the freaky Dear Leader of that deprived nation but about Bush? Hmmmm, seems like a twisted slant to me but I am hardly a 4-7 thousand post member. Surely there is great knowledge within these halls.
  4. Just curious, does anyone not have a keitai? I use AU.
  5. Thank you guys . I guess people who concerned with this topic seem to be cultually sensitive. The reason I have brought up this subject is becuase I was really irritated by a guy I know who claims that he doesn't need to learn Nihongo b/c (as he claims) the world should learn how to speak English.
  6. When you are in non-English speaking country, what do you do? Do you think it's important to make an effort to sepak the local language or do you feel English is superior and you don't need to make an effort?
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