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Posts posted by Thunderpants

  1. Ahh thanks ger for those appetizers uhmmm \:\)

    Indo, shipping the boards is quite costly, about 30.000 yen a piece, with 2 boards... no way ...


    And you are right, boards under 180 cm can go on the plane, life would be easier as a shortboarder..

    we had no problems getting longboards on the plane to tokunoshima last year though, don't even think they charged us.

    so, we will try the BIC experience. 5000 yen per day.


    3 years ago i surfed with some Californian's in Maui, both very good surfers, they swore that the BIC boards were great boards


    i am going to miss my own "log" though

  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by klingon:
    * Background piano/jazz music in coffee shops/cheap restaurants

    * Terrible cover versions of "classic" songs in dept stores & shops
    At the local hospital they are playing ENYA !!!!

    wait you deserve a picture...

    and have done so for months now, drives me crazy!!!!!

    ..and the usual stuff, tailgaters, idling cars, Bush, Fujitv, Michael Schumacher, teenage shortboarders, my salary, Bush, iTunes, jp immigration, that huge bird living right across from our apartment, it shits on my car!.
  3. To be fair to Al Gore, he was already on global warming in the early 80's but back then the green movement was not interested in fighting that battle, they were busy fighting the ice age caused by sulfur, saving the whales and local pollution problems.


    Today he has wisely chosen to ride the wave everybody else rides, global warming. other ride the terrorist wave.


    the bizarre thing about global warming is that the worlds population faces other and much more deadly problems that could be solved for a fraction of what the Kyoto protocol would cost.


    Kyoto estimated costs: US$150 billion a year.


    In comparison, the UN estimates that half that amount could buy clean drinking water, sanitation, basic health care, and education for every single person in the world. Which is better?


    But then again, i'm all for reducing CO2 if that is the only swell we can surf right now

  4. I have absolutely NO idea what is going to happen, and neither has anyone else.


    Just to make my stance clear on oil CO2 and "global Warming" I am not too worried right now, but i think it is absolutely madness to take the chance that no harm is being done by burning fossil fuel.


    By the way Toque, what is "worse" and what is "better"?


    really depends if you want to ski or grow food

  5.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Kintaro:
    Are parking violations counted as driving infractions in your countries?
    I don't know about Denmark, never had a drivers license there (too expensive to get. cars are also very expensive there)
    But i know for a fact that you have to go thru the 2 hours of sleepy hell, sorry Brother.
    My wife parked illegally in front of Kakegawa station for 10-15 minutes, got the ticket and lost her gold license, but got a free lesson at the police station.
    sorry to be the carrier of bad news
  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by me jane:
    Does anyone know a country that does have a good bus service?
    Denmark got a pretty good one..
    Or used to have anyways, been almost 4 years since i was there last time, and 7 since i lived there.
    Number 2 takes you straight to Christiania

    Kintaro has to go to that 2 hour class next time he has to renew his license lol.gif
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