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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by joshkalish

  1. What areas do you feel need to be improved or enhanced in Hakuba for your enjoyment?
  2. What a shock! Yet again Ocean 11 has something negative to say! Don't you ever get tired of the crappy thoughts in your own head?
  3. What a shock. Yet again Ocean11 has something negative to say on a topic he knows nothing about. don't you ever get tired of the crappy thoughts in your own head?
  4. Mogski, I don't think that was as much of an excuse for bad service as a veiled apology for any transgressions of Yoshie's normally excellent attention to detail and customer service. Could be a language issue between you two. I really felt that your comments (while true in the business world) were indelicate. Especially given the fact that you have never met the wonderfully considerate person that is Yoshie. I never once, even in private, heard either Mitch or Yoshie complain about their duties. And yeah, it seems that Mitch does sit on the couch alot in the winter, but he busts
  5. Thanks Davo, You put it in words I should have used. I just was foaming at the mouth a bit when I read the bitterness laid out for all to see. In turn I unleashed some of my own. Apologies to all.
  6. Well, I hope you feel better informed. Especially after four thousand six hundred and seventy nine posts. Holy cow, dude!
  7. Dear Ocean 11: You have taken some liberties with what I did and didn't say. First of all I picked on the JET community because that has been MY experience with more than a select few of them. Second, I merely stated that; If you walk in with attitude, you will be met with attitude. Third, I offered some possible explanations for the negative experiences a few have had. Had I just given some holier than thou diatribe on the unwaivering merits of the place, I think my observations would be both incomplete and seem insincere. Frankly, I won't stay at another pension in Hakuba. And I
  8. Fair enough. Sharing experiences is an appropriate use of any forum. I just feel that being so specific and personal is not constructive. Snowbeds is a 'backpackers'. This should tell anyone who is going to stay there what to expect. Personally, I think it is a good value and a general asset to the Hakuba experience. If you don't agree...stay elsewhere. But try to be more considerate when airing your gripes on the internet. That's all I'm saying. For the person who got the cold shoulder...maybe you just got a bad day? Or maybe you talked to the wrong person/people. As for talking
  9. Posting blanket statements that smear an individual and possibly hurt their business is wrong and very pussy. If you got something to say like that...you should confront the person. But obviously those of you with petty gripes don't have the stomach for it. I have to say that, over my 5 months in Snowbeds this last season, I met many very cool people of all nationalities, abilities and professions. I also came across some serious idiots. I saw literally hundreds of young gaijin who constantly expected special service from Mitch and Yoshie...and didn't want to pay for it. So many (I'm
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