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Everything posted by flipside

  1. Yuki's Passion, I've only been to Mizuho on the weekend so it should be nice to carve it up on Monday the 5th. Only thing is, 8 hours on the bus to get there. Sapporo kuro-label beer shall see me through. Cheers. ps. can't say I'm a high flyer in the park department but love a little air action of kicks. Anyone, have any tips to improve my riding goofy? Think, I'll set the back foot back a couple of degrees this year.
  2. Mt thoughts would be that it is a regular workday so just like any other with a few Santas sliding around!
  3. Planning on having a slide (and a few beers on the bus(><)) up at Mizuho on the 5th. Bus tour includes lift ticket but still expensive. If I only had a car I would like to check out Osorakan as I heard it's one of the best in the West.
  4. Well, I'm pretty sure ramen is all over the place in Japan. Noodle soup, wicked when eaten on cold wintery nights to warm the soul (not to mention a shouchu on the side to add some fire). Hakata ramen is of the pork broth variety and very tasty. Think you get the picture.
  5. While you're at it... Kyushu needs your services too. Onegaishimas.
  6. BTW. Ocean, where do you usually go? Or do you save the bills up for big trips up north?
  7. Yes, just get jealous hearing of these daily adventures in the snow!!! Still, fun can be had up at Mizuho Highland and the Shimane region for the folk down here in Fuk-u-o.k. (old gag)
  8. Anyone living down here in Fukuoka knows it's a great place... Shouchu a plenty but now it's time to hit the slopes it's a fair journey to the not-so-much talked about Hiroshima ski-jous. Anyway, anyone else feel my vibe? From Kyushu-side
  9. boarder... in the wrong part of Japan, but plan on visiting the few resorts available in Shimane and Hiroshima.
  10. So, Kawaba sounds alright, but I guess it's just luck on which ones are hiring. Best get my arse into gear and contact a few. Cheers, once again.
  11. Thanks for the words of wisdom! Don't think I have the qualifications to 'patrol'. Fattwins, you made good money in a bar?! Japanese don't tip, does that mean you were selling something else other than beer? Also, do you need a licence to groom or is that just on the job training. BTW, you sounded as though you were at a good resort, which one was it? Think I'd be looking at a Honshu resort.
  12. Thinking about working at a resort this season. I wonder what the best way to do that would be. A friend told me working the lifts would suck as they don't allow you enough free time to shred. Every resort is different so anyone have any ideas, suggestions to get me on my way? Just want to ride.
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