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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by SnowJapan.Com#2

  1. Just to remind us all about snow and winter and all such good things, here's a new vid from Jared taken at Geto on April 25th. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-jared.html Enjoy! And have a great Golden Week everyone....
  2. Looks like their going for some "inventive shots" now the season is over! http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/shownow.php?town=Yuzawa%20Now%21
  3. Another big vid from Shimba put online today.... direct link to the page: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-shimba.html
  4. Shimbas video is now up in the gallery: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids.html Thanks!
  5. Shimba See this http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=004742 (We need you to resend)
  6. Shimba - we don't seem to have got that for some reason. Please do resend. We'll mail you when we get it to let you know. Thanks.
  7. A total of 4 new vid clips added today. Enjoy! Fattwins - 2 .stoke. - 1 dougjapan - 1
  8. We've got a few waiting to be put online - hopefully we'll get that done tomorrow. Thanks
  9. There have been a few problems today that might affect some people - we're on the case (and actually all seems to be ok at the moment) Thanks!
  10. Just to let you know in advance. On Tuesday (24th Feb), we're going to be doing quite a bit of necessary maintenance work that might effect the Snow Japan Forums. What does that mean? Well, it means that there may be times during Tuesday when: a) the Forums have to be turned off (and you will see a message saying so if that is the case) or you may not be able to post any new messages on the Forums (even if you can still read existing posts.) If you do have difficulties posting messages - don't worry! This will only be temporary, and we'll be doing all we ca
  11. We've noticed that some Avatars are coming in at fairly heavy sizes...... and would like to ask that you try to keep the size of the images used down to a maximum of 5000 bytes. We'd appreciate it if you would check your image and adjust if necessary. Many thanks.
  12. Just a word on that... We aren't really that concerned about what you do with the voucher once you have won it and we send it out (ie. whether you use it yourself or give to someone else) - but we do ask that everyone please only enter the giveaways when you feel that you can actually USE the prize if you do win. Thanks.
  13. SNOW JAPAN GIVEAWAY This week, we have another 10 one-day lift tickets for the Nozawa Onsen resort in Nagano Prefecture to give away to Snow Japan Insider members. THIS LIFT TICKET VOUCHER IS VALID UNTIL MARCH 31st 2004, AND SO PLEASE ONLY ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY IF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO MAKE USE OF IT! Thanks. TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY AND FULL DETAILS http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php Many thanks to Nozawa Onsen. PREVIOUS WINNERS CAN BE FOUND HERE . Look out for more giveaways every week...
  14. Yuzawa-machi is the first town in Niigata as you go north from Gunma/Minakami. In Yuzawa, there are 17 "resorts" - a few big like Naeba and Kagura, some middle/small sized places and some tiny. Kagura Mitsumata Ropeway is a 10-15 minute or so car/bus ride from the main Echigo Yuzawa station, going further on Route 17 in the same direction for another 10 minutes or so and you'll find the Kagura Tashiro Ropeway. Another 10 minutes and you'll arrive at Naeba - so Naeba is about 30 minutes from Yuzawa station. All of the other resorts are within 10 minutes of so of the station.
  15. Not us. If we were to do something like that, it would say "Snow Japan" (that being our name an' all )
  16. Gone. But there are date stamps on the main table letting you know when the latest additions where, and each video has a date stamp on it.....
  17. SNOW JAPAN GIVEAWAY This week, we have another 10 one-day lift tickets for the Iwappara resort in Niigata Prefecture to give away to Snow Japan Insider members. TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY AND FULL DETAILS http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php Many thanks to Iwappara resort. PREVIOUS WINNERS CAN BE FOUND HERE . Look out for more giveaways every week...
  18. If I'm not mistaken, that would be Yuzawa Park and/or Yuzawa Nakazato. To the top right you've got Naspa. And Yuzawa Nunoba (Ropeway) lower down. The middle bright bit is Route 17 (?!) All artificially enhanced, of course.
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