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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by rachael

  1. I am very new to all this. But I have a question. Please be gentle with me...!


    OK when I have downloaded some mpgs before now, they were ok but when I make a cd out of them they are noticeably inferior to a "bought" CD. Is this always the case? (I think the bitate, whatever that is, was 192 or something).

  2.  Quote:
    Perhaps just more sensual and passionate than others??
    Rather than that, its probably just that they have not been taught proper eating manners, and don't care how they look in front of other people. ;\)

    Seriously, "They weren't really messy, just focused on having a good time and enjoying dinner." - how exactly was this then?
  3. I just love horses. I have done since I was a little girl - used to have my own pony and goriding a few times a week. Recently I've found somewhere fairly nearby here where I can ride some horses. So I'm really happy.


    Horses deserve their own thread, magnificent animals!

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