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Everything posted by ozsnowbum

  1. good to hear you had an awesome time, its weird i can only get excited for resort if its like 50cm of bottomless. im back in kiroro again, visibility isnt great so not sure i can get up to yoichidake tomorrow.
  2. rode teine this morning. maybe 15cm of so. i did one run and left. its funny how little interest i have in riding resort now. motorshow wasnt much better. very small, bit of a waste.
  3. snow again last night so i went back out to the same area. was even better riding than yesterday but worse weather. i broke trail in knee deep and then a group of 6 gaijin used my uptrack hehe. whats it like in teine at the moment? i think i might go for a quick morning session tomorrow there because checking out the motorshow.
  4. awesome stuff around kiroro. will be back out there again today.
  5. Summited Chisenupurri today in a complete whiteout. Lots of Japanese out today, they love slowshoes so much even the skiers use them! I did however see my first Japanese Splitboarder, a girl too. In Kiroro now, looking at Yoichidake for tomorrow.
  6. thats australians for you. luckily noone can tell im from that country until i talk
  7. has anyone skied yoichidake off kiroro? im thinking of heading over there this week.
  8. Nice one snowbum, what was the weather like up there? Seemed to be shrouded in snow clouds all day.....whilst Niseko had none besides bad visibility, no wind, not cold. I didnt stick around long, just long enough to ride into and skin out of crater
  9. another summit, i actually didnt enjoy the approach from rusutsu,
  10. no, i actually wouldnt mind finding one too, i havent waxed my boards since ive been here.
  11. so i summited yotei. rode into the crater but it was pretty white. actually found it relatively easy, i started at 6.30 and summited a bit after 10. there were tons of skin tracks to follow which made things quite easy as well as steps from bootpack at the top. i want to have a go from another aspect, any suggestions on which one to go for next?
  12. went to check out yotei this afternoon and spoke to a few guys who summited today. i think im going to attempt it tomorrow.
  13. Im back in Rusutsu. Anyone keen to do some touring? Im looking at nito,iwano, shirebetsu or yotei this week.
  14. might have fixed it, i removed the songs. just play whatever music you like while watching i guess.
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